Agenda item

Wales Audit Office Governance Report


The Policy and Performance Manager presented the Wales Audit Office Governance Report.


The report had already been considered by Audit Committee who have overall responsibility for the performance management arrangements.  However there are issues that will be of particular interest to the Democratic Services Committee.


The report concluded that “The Council has made progress in improving its governance arrangements although more work is needed to strengthen the transparency of decision making and recording.”


The issues of particular relevance to this committee highlighted in the report include:

·         YouTube streaming of meetings increase the transparency of meetings.

·         Cabinet meetings are not minuted, this is compliant with in accordance with its Constitution and the Local Government Act 1972. However WAO considers a written record of proceedings to be good governance and practice.

·         Poor use of the microphones the chamber results in parts of the records

being inaudible.

·         The report stressed the importance of minutes being signed at the next suitable meeting in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.

·         There are positive examples of scrutiny holding Cabinet to account.

      However the report also includes an example that suggests scrutiny is not

            always able to effectively fulfil its role

·         The relationship between Cabinet and select committees is generally


·         Select committees follow an agreed work programme and ‘call in’

      decisions made by Cabinet as appropriate.


The four new proposals for improvement made within the report were:

·         Further improve the clarity of reports that members receive to ensure they have access to appropriate and timely information in a format that is easy to read and understand.

·         Ensure that decisions are clearly and consistently recorded to provide a reliable, transparent and easily accessible decision-making trail.

·         Strengthen scrutiny’s impact, status and effectiveness including: formally

      recording Cabinet responses to scrutiny recommendations and

            observations and better co-ordination of Cabinet and select committee

forward work programmes.

·         Ensure that information on the Council’s website is accurate, complete and

up to date.


Members were invited to comment and the following points were noted:


Members expressed disappointment with the live streaming system and added that issues with the microphones in the Council Chamber need to be addressed.  It was suggested that they are checked prior to meetings.  The Local Democracy Manager highlighted that Monmouthshire is the only Authority to live stream all their meetings held in the Chamber.


A Member expressed that recording of minutes had improved, providing a clear conclusion and action list.


A question was raised why Cabinet were reluctant to record minutes.  It would be of interest to know if other Councils record their Cabinet meetings.  We noted that we are more transparent than the report infers.


A Member requested that the report be forwarded to all Members and be further discussed at Coordinating Board.  It was noted that the report had been presented to Audit Committee.


A Member suggested that meetings should be shown on televisions in reception area.  We noted that this may be a disruption to reception but conversations could be held with IT colleagues to discuss.


It was requested that Member attendance at committees be addressed at the next meeting.


The Local Democracy Manager highlighted areas of progression within the report.  In terms of Modern Gov. an extra section is due to be rolled out for officer use.  This is on hold and is expected to be rolled out following the election.  With regards to live streaming, we live stream more than other authorities, and can stream any meeting held in the Chamber.  The library on you tube allows access to all meetings since we began live streaming.  Since the introduction of Modern. Gov there has been improvements to the website, but still ongoing improvement.


The Chair concluded:


·         We would look at improvements to the quality of sound in the Chamber, eg. Chairs to remind people at the start of meetings, check microphones prior to start of meting.

·         The Policy and Performance Manager would look into the streaming of meetings in the reception area, and respond at next meeting.

·         Issues could be addressed at Coordinating Board.

·         Responses from Cabinet Members to scrutiny recommendations, as well as recording outcomes of motions and petitions at Council should be considered.







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