Agenda item



We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the 10 conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requesting that three of the units be affordable units and passed on to a social housing provider.


In noting the detail of the application, Members were reminded that the application had been presented to Planning Committee at its meeting on 6th December 2016 with a recommendation for refusal. The decision regarding the application had been deferred in order to consider amendments to the proposed layout and design of development.


Amended plans have now been submitted showing alterations to the design of the residential units and with an amended layout showing a less engineered access roadway and a more rational parking arrangement. Amendments have also been made to the two flats on plots 5 and 6. The entrance has been relocated to the northern side of the building and there is now a covered stairway. There are now only two windows on the north-east elevation (facing towards Llangybi House) and these both serve a bathroom.


Councillor J. Love, representing Llangybi Community Council, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The Community Council regrets that no proper site inspection had been held.  Community Councillors arrived on the December date only to learn of the postponement pending the submission of requested amendments.


·         Committee Members did not go to the site to obtain a clearer picture of the locations features.


·         The Community Council’s key concerns could not be demonstrated in their actual context.


·         The County Council’s Heritage Officer contends that the lowest, most easterly part of Llangybi has a distinctively different, unique character bordered by the narrow historical country Ynys Lane, with several listed buildings, a Grade II* listed church with unique wall painting, very susceptible to earth vibrations, two church yards and a Cadw scheduled ancient holy well.  All of which will be seriously diminished by the closeness and density of the development.


·         The green view of Llangybi from Wentwood across the ancient water meadows will be spoilt and the Community Council predicts that future potential residents on this site will either complain about flooding or the ringing of eight church bells.


·         What also makes the plans inappropriate is the over dominance of the five large market value properties with the too few affordable properties being unattractive in design with the proposed three properties actually being just one small block with two semi-detached one bedroom flats and one other, none with any garaging.


·         The 2014 Community Led Plan commits the Community Council to supporting residents’ wishes for more affordable housing, but for no further large market value housing, yet this proposed development makes little more than token gestures towards affordability.


·          The Community Council’s other major concern is the access onto a very busy, dangerous main road.  One which when approved in 2012 was for two vehicles to the cottage but could now see many more using it, possibly 10 times the expected volume.


·         No proposed visibility splays can disguise the fact that from the Usk direction, the bend next to the south western edge of Walnut Tree Cottage totally conceals the proposed access within a few yards of that corner.  This road has already claimed one fatality and several serious accidents.  The Community Speed Watch sessions and Police camera van have indicated the increase in the volume of traffic.  Since September 2016, Speed Watch has reported over 50 vehicles exceeding the 30mph limit, mostly heading towards Caerleon.


·         The applicant’s offer of £10,000 towards traffic calming measures is not practical due to the amount and size of vehicles driving through the village.


·         The right of way from the village to the public footpath at the top of the hill towards Tredunnoc will be affected by the visibility splays, harming the walkers’ approach from Caerleon and endangering the one from Llangybi.


·         Highways has concerns regarding rights of ways, advising that the application not be approved until these matters have been addressed.


·         The Local Development Plan criteria defines Llangybi as a main village suitable for further development.  This is untenable as the shop and post office have been closed for over a year.


·         The poor, at risk bus service is no use to the non-car owning residents needing to commute to Cardiff for their work.


·         The Community Council considers that enough large developments have taken place in Llangybi and therefore ask the Planning Committee to consider refusal of the application.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         The amended plans are a vast improvement compared to the original plans. 


·         The detail of the application needs to be referred to the Delegation Panel.


·         The Section 106 funding in the sum of £10,000 for traffic management improvements could be used to provide permanent flashing 30mph signs at the beginning and exit to the village.


·         Affordable housing is needed in the village.


The local Member for Llangybi, also a Planning Committee Member, considered that the proposed dwelling with the external staircase, required the roofline to be increased.  The Delegated Panel could look carefully at this matter with a view to finding an appropriate solution.


It was therefore proposed by County Councillor P. Clarke and seconded by County Councillor P. Murphy that application DC/2015/00972 be approved subject to the 10 conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requesting that three of the units be affordable units and passed on to a social housing provider. Also, subject to the amended design of the walk in flats being approved via the Delegated Panel (Plots 5 and 6).


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval              -           13

Against approval      -           0

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DC/2015/00972 be approved subject to the 10 conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requesting that three of the units be affordable units and passed on to a social housing provider. Also, subject to the amended design of the walk in flats being approved via the Delegated Panel (Plots 5 and 6).





Supporting documents: