Agenda item

Improvement Objectives, Performance and Risk Assessment




To present quarter 2 performance data for the Improvement Objectives which are under the remit of Adults Select Committee. This is:


·         Improvement Objective 2 - We will safeguard people, whether young or old, while reducing people’s dependence on social care.


Supplementary to this paper a separate report on adult social services performance at quarter 2 is on the agenda. This presents data from the new measurement framework introduced as part of the Social Services and Well-being Act.


Key Issues:


Improvement Objectives are set annually by the Council to deliver on priorities, these are set in the Improvement Plan 2016/17. While objectives being focussed on the long term they are supplemented by annual actions and milestones that mark the progress towards their delivery.


Activity that contributes to the delivery of some objectives cross cuts select committee remits and these will also be reported to the other relevant committee(s). Therefore it is suggested members focus their scrutiny on the activity relevant to the committee with consideration of its contribution to the objective as a whole.


The Improvement Objectives will be evaluated at the end of the year (2016/17) based on the council’s self-evaluation framework, as set in the Improvement Plan 2016-17. Performance against them will be reported to committees and in the Stage 2 Improvement Plan published in October each year.


This is likely to be the final annual cycle of Improvement Planning in this format. The council is currently undertaking two substantial assessments of need and wellbeing within the county as a consequence of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act. This information will provide a much deeper evidence base of well-being in the County and will be used to review the council’s current improvement objectives in preparation for the publication of the council’s wellbeing objectives by 31st March 2017.


Member Scrutiny:


A member of the committee who volunteers at the Raglan project commented on the vast improvements in outcomes recently and emphasized how forward thinking Monmouthshire was to go ahead with this project.


The asked the Officer if he had a feel for how evenly spread place based working was becoming across the county and was it stronger in some places than others. In response we were told that there has been very different results across different communities and going forward community mapping will help us understand the particular needs of each area.


A Member asked how many residents needed local authority funded care as this wasn’t made clear by percentages. We were answered that it was approx. 230 older people and smaller number in the under 65 age group. The Member asked if that going forward would there be figures available to compare our authority against other authorities, the officer confirmed that he had this information and would distribute this after the meeting. (ACTION M.G.)


A Member of the Committee commented that recent reports had expressed the importance of early intervention and perhaps by the time people get to 18-24 it may be too late to help and money may be better spent on people in their early years.


It was asked in respect of recent safeguarding issues in the news regarding coaching sports what the procedure would be if there was an incident. We were told that there is a whole authority safeguarding group who oversee operations and would investigate any issue in a timely manner.




Committee’s Conclusion:


The Chair thanked the Officer for presenting the reports and spoke of how as a Council we receive the reports in terms of addressing recommendations.


Currently the report process we have puts the collating officer in an unfair position as they are not in a position to answer questions on the service side.


The Chair also looked forward to receiving supplementary information requested after the meeting.



Supporting documents: