Agenda item

Children's Services Quarter 2 Performance




To provide a report card that considers quarter 2 performance in children’s social services.


Key Issues:


The Social Services and Well-being Act came into force from April 2016 and has changed the way social services are delivered in Wales. The principles of the Act are:


  • The Act supports people who have care and support needs to achieve well-being.


  • People are at the heart of the new system by giving them an equal say in the support they receive.


  • Partnership and co-operation drives service delivery.


  • Services will promote the prevention of escalating need and the right help is available at the right time.


Each local authority must have arrangements in place to collect and return the data on the statutory performance measures detailed in the report to the Welsh Government from May 2017 onwards. The performance measures are a blend of quantitative (numerical) data and qualitative data which includes asking people about their experience of social services and whether this has contributed to improving their well-being.


Qualitative data is being collected through questionnaires to children and parents. At quarter 2 this process is still underway, therefore the responses in the report constitute part of the total collection. 


Quarter 2 is the first full compilation of the new measures and in many cases neither baseline nor comparable data is available. Targets have been set where feasible but will be better informed when baseline data is further established and other local authority data is available.


Member Scrutiny:


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding questionnaire responses from children, it was noted that 68% considered that they had received the correct information or advice when they needed it. However, this issue was still being analysed.  More analysis will be undertaken when more data has been received.


·         Looked After Children are always at the forefront of decisions. Ideally, in all cases is that intervention occurs early enough so that cases are identified early enough and preventative work is undertaken.


·         It was considered that data presented to future select committee meetings should be available numerically alongside its percentage value.


·         Having viewed the data relating to the percentage of looked after children experiencing a non-transitional school move and the percentage of looked after children with three or more placements, it was noted that one of the challenges in Monmouthshire is the geography of the County which could have an effect on the child’s placement.  Therefore, the report indicates that the numbers are higher than the Authority would like to see because the Authority wants to see stability in terms of the children’s education.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding the questionnaire, it was noted that the results of the questionnaire were outlined in the report.  There was also an option to add free text in addition to answering the set questions.  This provides a sense of what has been asked and details of response rates.  It is intended that this questionnaire will be used year on year as a means of comparison.


Committee’s Conclusion:


The Chair summed up as follows:


  • The areas of concern have been noted.


·         Until baseline data is established further comparisons cannot be made at this stage.


·         The Committee notes that there has been some changes within the Children’s Services and much has been achieved to date.


·         Overall, it was noted that the Head of Children’s Services had said that overall, she is satisfied with the report.



Supporting documents: