Agenda item

Improvement Objectives and Performance indicators - 2016/17 Quarter 2 update




To receive quarter 2 performance data for the Improvement Objectives which are under the remit of the Children and Young People Select Committee: 


·         Improvement Objective 1 - Improve at all key stages of education.


·         Improvement Objective 2 - Safeguard people, whether young or old, while reducing people’s dependence on social care.


To receive the latest performance against wider key national performance indicators that are under the committee’s remit.


Key Issues:


Improvement Objectives are set annually by the Council to deliver on priorities, these are set in the Improvement Plan 2016/17. Despite objectives being focussed on the long term, the specific activities that support them are particularly focussed for the year ahead.


Activity that contributes to the delivery of some objectives cross cuts Select Committee remits and these will also be reported to other relevant committee(s). 


The progress with most of the actions and performance indicators that form part of Improvement Objective 1 have recently been reported to the Children and Young People Select Committee as part of the Children and Young People Directorate Chief Officer report. Due to the importance of Members scrutinising progress being made specifically on the actions, performance indicators and targets set in the Improvement Plan 2016/17, a full progress update on Improvement objective 1 has also been completed.


The Improvement Objectives will be evaluated at the end of the year (2016/17) based on the Council’s self-evaluation framework, as set in the Improvement Plan 2016-17. Performance against them will be reported to the Select Committee and in the Stage 2 Improvement Plan published in October each year.


This is likely to be the final annual cycle of Improvement Planning in this format. The Council is currently undertaking two substantial assessments of need and wellbeing within the County as a consequence of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act. This information will provide a much deeper evidence base of well-being in the County and will be used to review the Council’s current improvement objectives in preparation for the publication of the Council’s well-being objectives by 31st March 2017.  


 Appendix C of the report sets out further Key Performance Indicators from the National Performance indicator set that are under the committee’s remit. The primary purpose is to highlight the performance achieved so far in 2016/17. In some cases this may result in duplication of indicators already included in other sections of the report. Where indicators relate to the performance of services that are under the remit of more than one committee these will also be reported to the other relevant committee(s).


Member Scrutiny:


·         For future meetings, cohort information will be contained within the report.


·         The first phase of upgrading schools’ ICT infrastructure is 80% complete.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding ALN provision, it was noted that in 2012 Estyn had identified some flaws and challenges within the Authority’s ALN Provision.  A rapid review of ALN had been undertaken in that immediate period.  This work fell into three phases and the first two phases have been completed.  Our services with regard to ALN provision are a concern for all stakeholders involved.  Therefore, additional support has been commissioned to aid in this matter and a range of schools and settings have been visited, those with special needs bases and secondary schools.  The two new schools will have a 55 unit resource base within them.  Engagement with head teachers has been undertaken with regard to the review of ALN provision and they have been supportive.  More delegation to schools is likely to occur.  Therefore, work is ongoing across all of Monmouthshire’s schools.


·         The Chair asked that a report on the review of ALN provision be presented to a future meeting of the Select Committee.


·         The Authority wants all of its pupils to remain in mainstream education but we have to recognise that at times, children will face challenges and that setting will not be the right setting for them.  The changing nature of additional learning needs over time needs to be looked at.  Schools are seeing more complex, acute needs earlier in children’s lives. Therefore, best provision for individual pupils needs to be identified. The Authority is looking to explore this to enable clusters of schools to have that provision so that children, even if they can’t stay in their home school, they will be able to stay much nearer to their actual home.  The Authority has to ensure that there is the capacity and the capability within the school settings to provide that support.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding the performance of the Shared Resource Service (SRS) in respect of the new service level agreement, the Policy and Performance Manager stated that he would investigate the matter and report back.


·         A representative from the Shared Resource Service to be invited to a future meeting of the Select Committee.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding the need for a ‘level playing field’ regarding ICT provision in schools, it was noted that when primary head teachers meet, there is input from SRS updating them on progress and any potential challenges.  It is important that the capacity is there within schools.  Officers are working to ensure all of Monmouthshire’s schools are receiving up to date ICT provision.


·         The Authority remains committed to the renewal of its four secondary schools.


·         Considerable work has been undertaken to consolidate primary schools.  The primary state is in very good order.


·         The External Reference Group has been established.  There has been a slight change in focus for the board in that, not only will it focus on education and the continuing recovery process but also working with the Authority around children’s services and social services.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding the re-setting of 2016/17 targets, it was noted that this was due to the transition to the new database in social care. Currently there is not enough points of data available to set this target.


·         In Monmouthshire, for at least 15 years, all recipients of adults’ social care have received a questionnaire on a regular basis.  This is a system that has been adopted by Welsh Government.  Therefore, Welsh Government wants the 22 authorities in Wales to ask the same questions in the same way.


·         For future Select Committee meetings, data should be available numerically and also as a percentage.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding social care provision and whether there might be a geographical variation across the county, it was noted that work is being undertaken around wellbeing assessment.  It was noticed that by introducing a place based approach, it was identified that ‘one size does not fit all’. Therefore, the requirements of one community might differ to the requirements of another.  Engagement with people is being undertaken and various comments are coming through with regard to this matter.

Committee’s Conclusion:


The Chair summed up as follows:


  • To receive a report from Gill Lawrence regarding the ALN Service at a future meeting.


·         A representative from the Shared Resource Service (SRS) be invited to a future meeting to provide an update on our relationship with the SRS.


·         The Chair thanked the Policy and Performance Manager for presenting the report.



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