Agenda item

Improvement Objectives and Performance Indicators - 2016/17 Quarter 2 update




To receive quarter 2 performance data for the Improvement Objectives which are under the remit of Economy & Development Select Committee and to receive the latest performance against wider key national performance indicators that are under the committee’s remit.


Key Issues:


Improvement Objectives are set annually by the Council to deliver on priorities. These are set in the Council’s Improvement Plan 2016/17. Despite objectives being focussed on the long term, the specific activities that support them are particularly focussed for the year ahead.


Activity that contributes to the delivery of some objectives cross cuts Select Committee remits and these will also be reported to the other relevant committees. 


The Improvement Objectives will be evaluated at the end of the year (2016/17) based on the Council’s self-evaluation framework, as set in the Improvement Plan 2016-17. Performance against them will be reported to Select Committee and in the Stage 2 Improvement Plan published in October each year.


This is likely to be the final annual cycle of Improvement Planning in this format. The Council is currently undertaking two substantial assessments of need and wellbeing within the County as a consequence of the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act. This information will provide a much deeper evidence base of well-being in the County and will be used to review the Council’s current improvement objectives in preparation for the publication of the Council’s well-being objectives by 31st March 2017.  


 Appendix C of the report sets out further Key Performance Indicators from the National Performance indicator set that are under the committee’s remit. The primary purpose is to highlight the performance achieved so far in 2016/17. Where indicators relate to the performance of services that are under the remit of more than one committee these will also be reported to the other relevant committees.


Member Scrutiny:


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding the progress of the tourism, leisure, culture services and that progress was ‘on target’, it was noted that milestones are set in terms of progress towards that delivery.  The ‘on target’ in this case related to completing the option appraisal by October 2016, the target having been set in May 2016.  Therefore, this target had been met.


·         A viable places loan scheme in Abergavenny has been promoted via the Council’s website, the Council’s Facebook page, twitter and press releases to communicate this message.


·         The action in the report related to City deal has an associated milestone scheduled to be completed by March 2017. The Select Committee Manager confirmed that this matter is currently on the work programme to be brought to the Select Committee at the appropriate time.


·         In response to a Select Committee Member’s question regarding STEAM data and how it is collated, it was noted that the Tourism Manager could provide the Member with an update regarding this matter.



Committee’s Conclusion:


·         That the report be noted.


·         The Tourism Manager to provide the Select Committee Member with information on how STEAM data is collated.


·         An update report on the City Deal to be presented to a future Select Committee meeting.






Supporting documents: