Agenda item

Cardiff Capital Region City Deal - Interim Governance Arrangements and Financial Support


Council received a report to set out interim governance arrangements to take forward the provisions of the Cardiff Capital Region (CCR) City Deal Agreement, signed by Leaders of the 10 Local Authorities in March 2016. To approve the use of Invest to Redesign reserve (16/17) totalling £30,835 as Monmouthshire’s contribution to the central resource fund to enable the continuation of work on the programme, leading up to final agreement of the City Deal.


During debate we noted the following:


·         In response to a question relating to EU funding, the Leader explained that the 10 Leaders had met with the First Minister to get reassurance, and Wales Government were confident that, whatever happens with EU, the funding was safe.

·         A question was raised asking what the deal would specifically mean for Monmouthshire.  In response, the Leader explained it was difficult to quantify at the moment, but it was hoped that the nature of the areas being looked at would bring in further investment and opportunities.  Creating opportunities across the area would provide hope for the futures of our young people.

·         A Member questioned if it must be the Leader to represent Monmouthshire at the CCR City Deal.  It was explained that it was the responsibility of the Leader to represent the Council, and on occasions when not possible, Deputy Leaders would stand in.  The Deputy Leader added that the Leader was well respected by all the other leaders in the region, and carries the brief for Innovation, Digital and Business, one of the most important areas of the City Deal.

·         The Leader of the Opposition referred to 2.1, b, point 5 of the report, Independent Growth and Competitiveness Commission and questioned how the commission was populated, who was appointed, what was the process.  In response the Leader explained the Commission was a task and finish group, headed by Professor Greg Clarke task who undertook an in depth look to help things going forward.  The Lead on forming the group was Cardiff Council Leader, Phil Bale.

·         It was questioned if the roles of the Shadow Joint Cabinet were remunerated, and if so was it charged from money collectively put together? It was also questioned if expenses were claimed from MCC.  The Leader answered that there was no payment for the role, but was Leaders coming together for the good of the region and expressed disappointment in the question.  He confirmed that travelling expenses were paid by the individual authorities.

·         A Member asked that, in terms of enhanced transport in South East, and North of Monmouthshire, every effort be made that Monmouthshire was well represented in terms of Metro.  In response the Leader highlighted that Welsh Government had set up Transport for Wales

·         Clarification was sought regarding the means by which the Leader will report back on the important undertakings.  It was suggested that a regular reporting mechanism be agreed. 


Council resolved to agree the recommendations:

·         For delegated authority to be given to the Leader of the Council to make and take such decisions as are necessary in respect of the following:-

a) To continue the interim governance arrangements subject to the Project Board (current membership being 10 LA Leaders) being renamed the “Cardiff Capital Region City Deal Shadow Joint Cabinet”.

b) The establishment of the following new bodies:-

(i) Non Statutory Regional Transport Authority,

(ii) Cardiff Capital Region Skills and Employment Board,

(iii) Cardiff Capital Region Business Organisation,

(iv) Cardiff Capital Region Economic Growth Partnership,

(v) Independent Growth and Competitiveness Commission.

c) To appoint a Programme Director.

d) To agree shadow joint cabinet members portfolios.

e) To seek agreement to procure and appoint specialist legal advisors to draft all appropriate documents for the Cardiff Capital Region City Deal including but not limited to the “Joint Agreement” from the Crown Commercial Services Framework Agreement rather than the National Procurement Services Framework.

·         To approve use of Invest to Redesign reserve (16/17) totalling £30,835 as Monmouthshire’s contribution to the central resource fund to enable the continuation of work on the programme, leading up to final agreement of the City Deal.



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