Agenda item

Public Protection performance report 2015/16


We received a report from the Head of Regulatory Services to inform Members of service delivery and performance across the Public Protection division, which comprises Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Licensing.


Strong Communities Select Committee received a performance report covering Public Protection Services on 21st July 2016. This was in response to a Cabinet report in January 2015 recommending this Committee monitors any changes in our performance, further to budget reductions implemented for 2014/15.


On 7th January 2015 Cabinet requested regular six monthly reports to Strong Communities Committee to monitor performance over time. In this way, any negative impacts could be assessed and acted upon if necessary. To widen Member involvement and understanding of the range of Public Protection services delivered, it also assists to report on performance via Licensing & Regulatory Committee.


The report summarised the recent performance and highlights the following:-


·         The four service teams, for the vast majority of services they deliver, meet the Authority’s legal obligations in relation to Public Protection services.

·         There has been some decline in closing complaints within Public Health, for example concerning noise and other statutory cases. It should be noted that this small team (5.5 FTE’s) dealt with 1,559 new service requests (1,667 clients) in 2015/16.

·         Six monthly reports will continue to be made to this Committee to assess the impact of budget reductions on Public Protection performance.

·         Recent audits, by Wales Audit Office and Food Standards Agency Wales, indicate current performance is satisfactory within Environmental Health, but the service would struggle to take on any new statutory duties that protect the public and the environment.


In response to a question regarding staffing challenges within the department as the department takes on more statutory duties, we were advised that we will lobby Welsh Government for funding to meet any new burdens and that ensure that resources match expectations.


A Member asked about a specific issue of noise at a local public house in a residential area created by early morning deliveries. Officers advised that although a fixed noise source (i.e. Karaoke) was easier to monitor there are steps that can be taken to address the issue and will speak to the Member for further details.


A Member asked what was being done to address the areas of the County suffering from air pollution. We were told that there is an action plan in place and that Huw Owen from Environmental Health chairs a group who are working on this issue.


We would told that Amy Lawton will be providing Members training on the new legislation regarding landlord responsibilities. 


It was asked where the money from food hygiene fines went and the officer from legal explained that the money from the fines go to Central Government and the court costs come to the Local Authority.


The Chair thanked The Head of Public Health & Culture for the report and asked that thanks were passed back to the team for their hard work and commitment.


      i)        The fees and charges detailed in Appendix A of the report be approved and have effect from 21st May 2015; and

     ii)        The fees subsequently be reviewed annually.


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