Agenda item



We considered the report of the application and late correspondence, which was recommended for approval subject to the 10 conditions, as outlined in the report.


The local Member for Llanbadoc, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


·         The application is a very different proposal to the previous application. It is a unique and individual scheme with an interesting design.


·         However, residents have expressed concern regarding the access to the proposal.


·         Traffic along this route is extremely fast.


·         One of the speed signs impedes visibility at the proposed new access.


·         Concerned regarding safety issues in respect of the new access.  It would be safer to retain and improve the existing access.


·         If the access remains in its existing position, the development will have less of an impact on nearby properties because the original hedge would be retained.


Mr. P. Williams, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


·         He had supported the original application with privacy isses being addressed.


·         However, there were objections to the new application, namely:


·         Modern design, which exceeds the volume of the existing property by 57%, exceeding the volume increase allowed.


·         The proposed development will result in a cube like property which would not be in keeping with the surrounding properties.


·         The relocation of the access will not improve the visibility splays with inappropriate site lines being created.


Mr. G. Buckle, representing the applicant, outlined the following points:


·         It would be more economical to demolish the existing property and create a new property that would be well insulated and energy efficient.


·         The design is contemporary which had been received favourably by officers.


·         The new proposal will use modern material with the rook being insulated to a high standard.


·         The height of the property will be reduced by two metres compared to the original property.


·         The new access is an improvement on the existing access. It will have greater visibility splays following months of discussion with officers.


·         The modern designed property will create low carbon emissions.


·         The design of the new proposal will complement the surrounding area.


·         A construction environment plan will be provided.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         Concern was expressed regarding the proposed new access and the visibility splay.  It was considered that retention of the original access would be a better option.


·         The design of the property was good but it would be inappropriate at this site.


·         The increase in the size of the proposed dwelling was a concern and was not in keeping with the surrounding properties.


Officers stated that the increase in the size of the proposed new dwelling would not create an adverse impact on the surrounding area. 


In summing up, the local Member reiterated that the proposed new dwelling was a unique design.  However, the proposed new access was a concern.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, it was proposed by County Councillor R. Harris and seconded by County Councillor D. Evans that application DC/2015/00938 be approved subject to the 10 conditions, as outlined in the report and also subject to the issues regarding the proposed new access be addressed.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval              4

Against approval      12

Abstentions               0


The proposition was not carried.


We resolved that we be minded to refuse application DC/2015/00938 on the grounds of access, scale, appearance / design and that the application be re-presented to a future Planning Committee meeting with appropriate reasons for refusal.

Supporting documents: