Agenda item



We considered the report of the application which was recommended for approval subject to the 11 conditions, as outlined in the report. Late correspondence was also received in respect of this application.


St Arvans Community Councillor Jonathan Richards, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


·         The Community Council did not have any objections in principle to the application.


·         The objection is specifically in relation to the vehicle access proposed.


·         There are two vehicle access strategy proposals set out in the traffic management report. The Community Council’s objection relates directly to the 2nd element of proposed access which will require traffic crossing the A466.


·         The most northernly gate is within a 50mph zone and the Community Council considers this dangerous without traffic control.


·         The access from the A466 crossing the road will cut across a public footpath and cycle path which is regularly used.


·         Concerned was raised regarding the increased frequency of use at the facility, with particular regard to car parking spaces. The Community Council have submitted written objections on this matter previously.


·         The principle concern is the additional traffic crossing the A466 entering and exiting the car park, crossing across the footpath & cycle path. There have been incidents there previously as the visibility is poor both entering and exiting the car park.


·         The Community Council are pleased to note that the Officer’s report recommends the traffic management report but find that the proposed condition and the understanding of the issues raised does not fully address the Community Council’s concerns.


The applicant’s agent, Mr Steven Higgins, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair outlined the following points:


·         He accepted that the traffic management plan needed further work and that any additional requirements that were required would be addressed.


·         The Kennel Club, who are helping to fund the development have requested use of this gate so that elderly visitors who are showing their dogs can bring their dogs in crates as close to the facilities as possible.


·         The new facility will bring visual benefits with a purpose built modern facility which compliments the gently undulating landscape.


·         The stand will form phase one of the improvements to the Racecourse.


·         The facility will benefit the local community by adding another revenue source and will look to encourage local use.


·         The proposed use will complement the offer of the Racecourse at times other than race days.


·         On race days the new replacement stand will bring excellent facilities to the Racecourse and will be important in poor weather conditions.


·         The objective is not to increase the number of visitors but to improve the experience of existing visitors.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, Members considered that the proposed scheme was a good scheme which will offer improved facilities within the County.


It was therefore proposed by County Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by County Councillor R. Harris that application DC/2016/00588 be approved subject to the amendment to condition 5 as per late correspondence and add condition 12 requiring submission of a construction management plan, as requested by Highways.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval - 12

Against approval - 0

Abstentions - 0

The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DC/2015/01136 be approved subject to the amendment to condition 5 as per late correspondence and add condition 12 requiring submission of a construction management plan, as requested by Highways.

Supporting documents: