Agenda item

Notices of Motion

Motion from the Chairman of Monmouthshire County Council:


We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society.  Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our country. Our Council condemns racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.  We will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have the support and resources they need to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia. We reassure all people living in Monmouthshire  that they are valued members of our community.


Motion from County Councillor D.Batrouni


Many young people searching for their first job often find it a difficult process mainly because they are told they have no experience. The Labour group believe Monmouthshire County Council could help Monmouthshire’s young people with this problem.  As one of the biggest employers in Monmouthshire, the Council has the ability to provide a number of internships across a number of departments covering a wide range of skills. The Labour group believe we should set up a formal internship process whereby the Council actively recruits people that live in Monmouthshire. All interns should get paid the living wage commensurate to their age. By doing this, we could give them a head start in today’s tough job market.


Motion from County Councillor K.Williams


This council is pleased to host the cycling event in Abergavenny each year. It will continue to ensure that local small businesses benefit from it each year. 



a) Motion from the Chairman of Monmouthshire County Council:


We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia

and hate crimes have no place in our country. Our Council condemns racism,

xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become

acceptable. We will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have the

support and resources they need to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia.

We reassure all people living in Monmouthshire that they are valued

members of our community.


The Leader thanked the Chairman for putting the motion forward, and noted that many members had been in receipt of the motion.  He added that in supporting the motion it was important that, in addition to the opposition to hate crimes, xenophobia and racism, we recognise our welcoming cohesive communities.


Following discussion, and being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


b) Motion from County Councillor D.Batrouni


Many young people searching for their first job often find it a difficult process mainly because they are told they have no experience. The Labour group believe Monmouthshire County Council could help Monmouthshire’s young people with this problem. As one of the biggest employers in Monmouthshire, the Council has the ability to provide a number of internships across a number of departments covering a wide range of skills. The Labour group believe we should set up a formal internship process whereby the Council actively recruits people that live in Monmouthshire. All interns should get paid the living wage commensurate to their age. By doing this, we could give them a head start in today’s tough job market.


In moving the motion Councillor Batrouni highlighted the following points:


·         Rather than an informal process, the motion suggests the setting up of a formal internship programme that gives people in the community experience.

·         The range of skills and experiences that could be offered by the council is vast, such as a trade, office experience and media experience, and experience in professions that not many organisations could cover.

·         Given our status, it makes sense to create a formal programme to provide these skills.

·         The work of Yprentis was applauded but this was thought to be an everyday simple measure which could make a difference.


During debate we noted the following points:


·         The Cabinet Member concurred that Council would agree with the sentiments of the motion, and agreed that it was suitable for the Council to help.

·         We recognised the opportunities with the two new Secondary Schools, and highlighted the opportunities available to young people in the County.  So far in Caldicot there had been 12 jobs created, career information about the construction business, 200 training weeks, 12 certificates for qualifying within the workforce.

·         The Youth Service have also provided opportunities for young people who have then been employed in the wider community.

·         It was suggested that the term ‘internship’ be changed to reflect wider opportunity.

·         As Corporate Parents, we had not been effective in providing work experience to our Looked After Children, and it was suggested that significant work would need to be undertaken to take the motion forward.



County Councillor Greenland explained that we are already doing what is being asked for in terms of apprenticeships and internships.  Yprentis has 70 apprentices across the greater Gwent area, some of whom from Monmouthshire and are paid above the living wage.  There are a number of internal apprenticeships, and wherever there is an opportunity within the Council internships are offered. 


Councillor Greenland proposed an amendment to the motion, which was duly seconded, this became the substantive motion:


Many young people searching  for  their  first  job  often  find  it  a  difficult process  mainly  because  they  are  told  they  have  no  experience.  Monmouthshire County  Council offers various initiatives, both within the Council and externally to help Monmouthshire’s  young  people  with  this  problem.   As  one  of  the  biggest employers  in  Monmouthshire,  the  Council  provides  a number  of  internships/apprenticeships/work experience  opportunities across  a  number  of  departments  covering  a  wide range  of  skills.  Through these initiatives the Council gives work to those living in Monmouthshire and elsewhere. Wages paid are in line with the living wage commensurate to their age.  By doing this the Council gives them a head start in today’s tough job market and we will continue to do this wherever we can.


During discussion we noted the following:


·         Data was requested to clarify the information in the substantive motion.

·         A point was raised that restrictions made by Welsh Government prevented young people crossing the border and obtaining work experience in England. 

·         It was questioned how young people could access work placements with the lack of transport in the County.

·         The Cabinet Member for education agreed that young people should be able to take the best placement suitable, regardless of it being England or Wales.  Further information would be sought.

·         The Chair of Economy and Development Select Committee advised that this area was regularly scrutinised


Upon being put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried.


c)         Motion from County Councillor K. Williams:


This council is pleased to host the cycling event in Abergavenny each year. It

will continue to ensure that local small businesses benefit from it each year.


County Councillor J. Prosser declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest under the Member’s Code of Conduct as Deputy Mayor of Abergavenny.


In moving the motion, Councillor Williams added that he wished to add ‘Friday night cycling event’ to the motion.


The Cabinet Member agreed with the sentiments of the motion and added that we hoped to continue to host events in the town.  Inevitably there would not always be benefit to all businesses but the aim was to be fair to all traders, and it was suggested that the start and finish points be moved accordingly.


Councillor Greenland proposed an amendment to the motion, which was duly seconded, and became the substantive motion:


This council is pleased to host the Friday evening cycling event in Abergavenny each year. It will continue in its efforts to promote health through sport whilst offering added benefits to local small businesses through the increased footfall that this and similar events bring.  We will endeavour to move the start/finish line around so that all traders can share the benefits.


Upon being put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried.