Agenda item

To receive the Improvement Plan 2016-2017


The Leader presented a report to provide members with the Improvement Plan for 2016-17.


The report recommended that Council approve the Improvement Plan including the five improvement objectives it describes, subject to any changes to data and targets that may be required as part of the year-end data validation and internal audit process.


Performance data for 2015-16 has been included where appropriate, to allow members to understand the objectives for the year ahead in the context of the most recent performance. The year-end 2015-16 data collection process is still ongoing, where included data should be treated as provisional as it has not yet been subject to audit. Targets for 2016-17 are being finalised. Members were made aware that some data and targets may change before final publication to reflect the most up to date information. If this made significant changes to the context of the plan these would recirculated to members prior to final publication of the plan.


A Member questioned what improvements had been made regarding the rate of delayed transfers of care for social care reasons, and the percentage of children looked after who have had three or more placements during the year.


The Cabinet Member explained that there may be a number of comments relating to numbers in decline as this report was a ‘work in progress’, and not all the information had been collated The final results would be shown in October 2016.  He reassured members that there was not a DTOC issue in Monmouthshire.


The Policy and Performance Manager explained that placements of looked after children was monitored closely by Children’s Services.  There had been a number of challenging issues in Children’s Services over the course of the last year, and there was now a weekly monitoring process. 


A Concern was raised regarding Disabled Facilities Grants, and the time taken to make necessary changes.  The Cabinet Member responded, explaining that there was a wide debate around DFGs due to the numbers and resources necessary needed to address the issues.  Members were reminded that the final position would be reflected in October 2016. The Chief Executive reassured Members that when we receive the final report, many red areas would be green.  Some would remain red, as was the nature of running a complex organisation.  It was suggested that routinely, through Select meetings, a question should be raised along the lines of ‘Can you reassure us that every movement of a child has been in the best interest of that child?’


County Councillor R. Hayward agreed that the quality of the question was important rather than the quantity of words, and should reflect if we care as a Council.  He referred to an incident in his ward where a wall had fallen upon a child five or six years ago, resulting in severe injury.  There was great concern that no report had been issued following an inquiry by the Health and Safety Executive.  It was questioned why the report had not been issued, and why no-one had reported back to Council to explain why the child had been injured.  The Cabinet Member advised that the report had been received and there had been no action taken by the Health and Safety Executive.  Cllr Hayward would be furnished with the report.


We resolved to agree recommendations within the report.





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