Agenda item

Play Sufficiency report





The committee were presented with a report which reported progress on the review of the Play Sufficiency Assessment and preparation of a new action plan for 2016/17.


The first statutory Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) was completed in 2013 and requires review after three years. The new PSA must be submitted to Welsh Government by 31 March 2016, having either been approved by cabinet or in a final version timetabled to be so approved. The PSA is programmed for cabinet consideration in April 2016.


Key Issues:


The matters needing to be taken into account in the PSA are set out in the guidance and are broad in their scope, impacting widely across the authority’s activities:


Matter A: Population

Matter B: Providing for diverse needs

Matter C: Space Available for Children to Play

·         Open Spaces; Outdoor unstaffed designated play spaces; Playing fields

Matter D: Supervised provision

·         Play work provision; Structured recreational activities

Matter E: Charges for play provision

Matter F: Access to space/provision & Information; publicity; events

Matter G: Securing & Developing the Play Workforce

Matter H: Community engagement and participation

Matter I: Play within all relevant policy and implementation agendas

·         Education/schools; Town & country planning; Traffic & transport; Health & wellbeing; Child poverty; Early years/childcare and family policy and initiatives; Inter-generational policy and initiatives; Community development; Community Safety; Health and safety


Member Scrutiny:


·         Members recognised the difficulties which had been highlighted by officers, particularly in relation to resources.   The committee appreciated the effort and good will behind the project.

·         The committee stressed that increased local knowledge was required, which would require further work with town and community councils.

·         Clarification was requested regarding the phrase within the reports, some adults say ‘not to play’ and some say ‘yes play’.  It was explained, that in context, some parents had expressed concerns with going out to play and other adults had told people that children could not play (e.g. around streets).

·         The committee welcomed the information that had been presented.  However, further statistical data was required. 

·         Officers confirmed that data varied, fixed play provision information was available and a refined approach was required based on the information that had been obtained.   

·         The concept of sufficiency was difficult to measure, officers were aware of the provision to a degree and the area most lacking was consistency around demand.   Officers were committed in going forward, however, there were lack of resources.

·         The committee reiterated that further assistance and feedback should be obtained from Town and Community Councils.  It was confirmed that this was anticipated however, timescales were difficult due to capacity issues.

·         Members requested clarity on validity of data and asked how many questionnaire responses were received.  We were informed that 100 had been received completed.  Concerns were expressed by members that this was not a representative sample.

·         A member echoed opening remarks, valuable work was being undertaken within constraints.  Comparable information was requested regarding play provision in other areas.  We were advised that Torfaen were a widespread area, Newport efforts were more concentrated on deprivation and social housing, working in collaboration with other organisations in the sector. Vale of Glamorgan had most similarities to Monmouthshire.

·         Officers had sources for information, however, resources were an issue.  The aim was for objectives to be considered for the forthcoming year, and for actions to be realistic and limited.  Regular dialogue was held with Town and Community Councils.

·         The committee concurred that permission to focus on a smaller number of achievable objectives would be a positive way forward, particularly with regard to resource issues.




The Committee agreed to receive and scrutinise an update of progress on the review of the Play Sufficiency Assessment and preparation of a new action plan for 16/17 prior to its submission to Welsh Government on 31 March 2016.



Committee’s Conclusion:


Chair’s Summary:


Recommendations had been considered and suggestions had been put forward by the committee.  The overriding suggestion, was to limit the number of objectives and actions as the way forward.


Officers were encouraged to look at the youth service and role of Town and Community Councils for contributions and ideas.


The Committee thanked officers for information presented regarding play provision model and appreciated that there was good will, however, recognised the difficulties that had been expressed.



Supporting documents: