Agenda item

Monmouthshire Local Development Plan: Community Infrastructure Levy



Council were presented with the Monmouthshire Local Development Plan: Community Infrastructure Levy, the purpose was to advise Council of the results of the recent consultation on a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) and to seek endorsement of a Draft Charging Schedule (DCS), with a view to issuing for consultation purposes.


During debate we noted:


·         The report had been considered by the Economy and Development Select committee and would be subject to a member seminar, prior to final adoption.

·         A member recognised that there were shortcomings in relation to future generations.  In developing the future plan, it would be important that there was engagement and communication with the public.  Further information was required regarding the process.  Officers confirmed that a level of political governance would be required and plans should be in place to support infrastructure demands. 


Council resolved to agree recommendations within the report:


Council notes the contents of this report and endorses the DCS, with a view to issuing for consultation purposes.

Supporting documents: