Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Monitoring 2015/16 Month 9 Outturn Forecast Statement.




Members received a report from the Finance Manager in order to receive information on the forecast revenue outturn position of the Authority at the end of reporting period 3 which represents month 9 financial information for the 2015/16 financial year.


The report would also be considered by Select Committees as part of their responsibility to:


·         Assess whether effective budget monitoring is taking place,

·         Monitor the extent to which budgets are spent in accordance with agreed budget and policy framework,

·         Challenge the reasonableness of projected over or underspends, and achievement of predicted efficiency gains or progress in relation to savings proposals.


Members Scrutiny:


The Chief Officer highlighted that at month 6 we had been in a much different position and had now brought down an overspend of over £500,000 to £127,000, a significant adjustment in light of the huge challenge faced this year.  It was noted that 14% of the budget had been lost and credit was given to the officers involved.  Alternative methods of delivery would be looked at as current methods were no longer sustainable


A Member thanked the Finance Manager for the clear and concise presentation.  A question was directed to the Chief Officer regarding the timescales in terms of refocussing, and if there were adequate resources in place to accommodate the plans. The Head of Tourism, Leisure and Culture advised that in terms of timescales officers were currently working to deliver a new delivery process, and Members had been briefed on a timetable.  It was hoped the new model would go live in April 2017, but there was still a lot of work to be done, as well as political decision making.


A Member requested an update on the situation with the Hub in Abergavenny.  We were advised that any necessary reports and information had been shared through a variety of different mechanisms.  It was hoped the Hub would go live in three to six months but there was still building and structural work to be done.  Further reports would be brought to Select Committee.


A Member questioned the accuracy of fostering figures.  We were advised the Chief Officer for Social Care and Health had taken a recovery plan to Cabinet and would be best placed to advise further.


Concerns were aired surrounding the costs of hosting the Eisteddfod and whether all areas were contributing to the funding.  It was thought that not all areas were embracing the idea and the County should pull together.  We heard that with regards to costs the Eisteddfod was so far on budget, with more events and activities to come.


There were concerns surrounding the deficit position of schools, particularly Mounton House and Chepstow School.  We heard issues had been noted at Children and Young People Select Committee and a report called-in had been referred back to Cabinet.  Audit Committee were addressing issues surrounding Chepstow School.



Committee Conclusion:


The Committee welcomed the substantial progress made from month 6.  In doing so a number of issues were noted including the Eisteddfod, implementation of the Hub and early engagement of the new service delivery. 


The Committee resolved to accept the report.






Supporting documents: