Agenda item

Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy - To review progress of the strategy.


(Note: this item was swapped with Item 6) 

Council Leader Mary-Ann Brocklesby and Gemma Ellis introduced the report and answered the members questions withJohn Paxton andScott James. 

Key points from Members: 

·                  A member asked about the benefits of the collaborative partnership. The officer responded that the collaboration allows for the transfer of knowledge and expertise, which helps address inconsistencies and standardize processes across the partnership. The Leader added that the collaboration with Ardell provides economies of scale, access to expertise, and helps to address recruitment and retention challenges in the public sector. 

·                  Members asked about value for money from the Procurement partnership. It was explained that collaboration and working together are essential to address budget pressures, leading to more efficient services and better community well-being outcomes. 

·                  It was asked how it is ensured that local contractors are bidding and getting work in the area. It was highlighted that the new Procurement Act allows for below-threshold tenders to be advertised to local suppliers, maintaining competition to ensure value for money. 

·                  Members asked how being socially responsible can be linked with ensuring good value. The officer explained that tenders are evaluated based on value for money, quality, and well-being criteria, ensuring a balanced approach. The Leader emphasised the importance of socially responsible procurement, which includes ethical considerations, local supply chains, and community benefits. 

·                  A member asked for clarity about how the employees are funded. It was explained that the funding model for Ardell includes contributions from each of the four local authorities and levy income from three collaborative frameworks.It was confirmed that the 6 full-time employees are on secure contracts. 

·                  Members sought clarity as to whetherthe 40 employedare in addition to those who would have been employed anyway. Officers explained that the 40 employees form part of the whole team, funded through a combination of local authority contributions and collaborative frameworks, maintaining expertise within the team. 

·                  A member asked for clarity about theapparent difference in consultancy costs between this report and the budget ACTION: officers to provide details of consultancy spend 

·                  It was asked how officers ensure value for money and manage demand.The officers explained that theProcurement team uses Power BI to track and manage spend, ensuring compliance and identifying contract leakage. They also have a contract forward plan to prepare for upcoming procurements. 

·                  Explanationwas sought about theContract Forward Plan and its progress.The Contract Forward Plan is being developed to provide a forward pipeline of work, helping to prepare the market and resource the procurement team effectively. 

·                  WithPowerBI, it was asked ifmembers will be able to see the information by the end of the year. The officer explained that the information is provided on a quarterly basis to senior managers who candisseminate it through their teams. 

·                  A member asked which key performance indicators are being used to measure the strategy’s success and how often they are reviewed.Officers explained that KPIs include carbon reduction, Fair Work, and other well-being indicators. These are reviewed regularly, and Welsh Government is developing statutory KPIs for compliance. 

·                  Examples of benefits to Monmouthshire communities beyond King Henry school and Magor Hubwere sought.Officers responded that benefits include job creation, environmental improvements, and community well-being initiatives. Examples include the Magor Hub and King Henry School projects, which have provided local employment and educational opportunities. 

·                  Members asked about increasing procurement from those with good environmental practices andhow it is ensured that procurement doesn’t lead to higher costs. The officer explained thatthe Council assesses suppliers on environmental performance and social value during the procurement process. They aim to balance cost, quality, and social value to ensure value for money without significantly increasing costs. 

Chair’s Summary: 

The Chair thanked the officers and Leader. Before moving the report, he emphasised the importance of viewing the report from the residents' perspective, and what they might think about the tangible outcomes and achievements from the investments made, efficiency of suppliers and contracts, detail about expenditure, and the accuracy of assessments. 


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