Agenda item

Chief Officer for Social Care Annual Monitoring Report

To scrutinise the progress and strategic direction for the service area.


Cabinet Member Ian Chandler and Jane Rodgers introduced the report. Jane Rodgers answered the members’ questions with Jenny Jenkins. 


Key questions from Members: 


·            The rationale for the significant increases in pressures and numbers requiring services in Monmouthshire was questioned, in particular, how the team is coping with the increased demand for services. The Chief Officer explained that the pressures are felt across the service, with the most notable increase at the front door of children's services. Factors include the long-term impact of Covid on children's development and family functioning, pressures within partner organizations, and societal issues like the cost-of-living crisis. A deep dive analysis is being conducted to understand and address these pressures ACTION (to provide this deep dive analysis for the committee once it is ready) 

·            In terms of the decommissioning of Budden Crescent, whether the council has achieved an equivalent level of service satisfaction after the decommissioning, with members asking what progress has been made to improve the offer for those with complex needs. Officers acknowledged that while the decommissioning of Budden Crescent was difficult, the current respite offer includes direct payments, shared lives carers, and spot purchasing, which have not led to overall negative impacts. However, there is still a need to improve options for people with more complex needs. 

·            In relation to foster carers, it was asked whether increasing our offer to foster carers would result in savings by recruiting more foster carers and reducing reliance on independent fostering agencies. Officers discussed the challenge of balancing financial incentives with practical and emotional support. While increasing financial offers might help, it could lead to a competitive cycle with independent agencies. They are considering reviewing the financial offer to find a balance. 

·            Members asked how they can publicly share the good news and achievements of the social care team to the public in a sensitive manner.The discussion highlighted the importance of involving communications teams to share the positive news and achievements of the social care team with the public. 

·            Whether there are enough resources to deliver the ambitious priority actions was raised and whether we are working closely with the health board to reduce the need for resources. Officers explained that while more resources are always needed, they are working with what they have. 

·            Members asked if it would be possible to get more detail about the approximately 20% who disagree to the questions in the questionnaire ACTION (Chief Officer to collate outcomes and try to get more detail) 

·            A member asked whether a detrimental financial impact on foster carers is factored in officers responded that that will be taken into consideration as part of what’s offered. 

·            Officers were asked what has been working particularly well andwhat has been of concern. They responded that Reablement and the amazing practitioners working with families in need are areas that have worked well, while implementing oversight and controls at a whole service level has provided valuable insights into need, demand, and practice, enabling more tailored support for the workforce. Furthermore, developing a training module to support social workers in having complex conversations about care charges and financial situations has been effective. Particular concerns include the increased demand in the numbers and complexity of cases, the ageing demographic, and the need to do more to support unpaid carers. 

·            A member asked about the current state of waiting lists and reablement beds at Severn Park. Officers explained that there has been significant progress in reducing waiting lists, with the focus on strengthening the front door response to avoid putting people on waiting lists. Additionally, there is further faster funding which is being used to add extra resources to the front door, as part of a broader project around the reablement transformation pathway. 

·            Regarding learning disability, members asked about the practice solutions report and timescales involved. It was explained that the report was agreed 15 months ago but there have been delays in its implementation. The Overmonnow base is now complete and currently being furnished but the base in Melville Theatre has been more complicated to bring forward but there is now a timescale for its completion. 

·            Regarding children’s servicers, a member asked how much risk is still held with partners and what the impact is on them. Officers responded that despite expanding family support services, there are still high levels of risk.?Intensive support services and monitoring arrangements are in place to manage these situations. When dealing with high-risk cases, a tight core group of partners works together, with the lead agency ensuring the safety and welfare of the child. 

·            Members asked how Severn View Park care home is doing now it’s up and running and whether there are plans to open similar homes. Officers explained that the transition to Severn Park Care Home was successful, with extensive work done to familiarise residents with the new environment and allow them to choose their rooms. The feedback from staff has been positive, noting how smoothly the transition went and how quickly everyone adapted. There are no plans to open anything similar in the short term. 

·            Members asked for thecaseload numbers in Children’s care, and the number of newly qualified social care workers ACTION (to provide the figures) 

·            The Chief Officer clarified the difference in the figures of FTE workers in the report: 600 total in the workforce and 471 in Adults Social Care. 

·            The Chair noted the discrepancy between Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy, proposing that a future meeting focus on what more can be done to build prevention and resilience ACTION (To programme in FWP) 


Chair’s Summary: 

The Chair thanked the Chief Officer for the report and encouraged residents to read it in order to appreciate the team’s work and to understand where the majority of the council’s expenditure goes. The report was moved. 


Supporting documents: