Agenda item

Financial Update Report 2023/24 and 2024/25

Scrutiny of the budgetary position.  


Cabinet Member Ben Callard introduced the report and answered the members’ questions with Peter Davies, Jonathan Davies and Will Mclean. 


Key points from Members: 


  • Members asked what specific measures are being considered to address the ongoing financial risks in various areas such as Adult Social Care, and what steps will be taken to ensure that overspends are addressed promptly. 
  • Questions were asked about measures currently being taken to improve efficiency and reduce overspends in key areas, and whether contingency plans are being developed to manage unexpected costs. 
  • Members queried whether staff and service users are being engaged to identify potential efficiencies, and if plans are in place to reallocate services from underspent areas to overspent ones. 
  • Members asked whether staff vacancies were putting pressure on existing staff, and if any well-being issues or problems with retention have resulted. Further, it was asked if vacancies have had an effect on the delivery of services to residents. 
  • Further detail was sought about task management in services and where best to fit resources. 
  • Regarding staff shortages, it was asked if any service areas are reaching a critical point in their capacity to deliver frontline services. 
  • Members asked about the current expectation on Health and Social Care, with 70% of its savings targets having been met, and whether further service redesign is needed. Members expressed concern over the extent to which the overspend in social care is being addressed. 
  • The Committee asked if it could be updated on the position of the 13 schools in deficit, surplus places, and whether companies carrying out maintenance are being actively monitored to ensure value for money. 
  • Questions were asked as to whether health partners are effectively delivering their responsibilities in terms of continuing health care and what more could be done to ensure there is a shared ambition for the services they deliver.  
  • It was asked if care charges still running high is due to a delay in payment or genuine cases of hardship, and what measures are being put in place to increase footfall to attractions such as Borough Theatre. 
  • Members asked if there was an update on units being let at Newport Leisure Park and Castle Gate. 
  • Members asked to what extent we are dependent on short term grants, and the level of uncertainty that they entail. 
  • Clarity was sought as to the level of radical change needed, as reported in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy, and what will be done to make radical changes to bring costs under control. 
  • Members asked for further information about how the underspend in strategic initiatives offset the £4m overspend. 
  • Concern was expressed that the largest portion (£12.2m) of the predicted shortfall over the 24-29 period will occur next year. 
  • Further detail was sought about the reasons for slippages in key infrastructure projects. 

The Committee was satisfied with the responses given by the Cabinet Member and officers present. 


Chair’s Summary: 


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and officers for the report. The committee recognises the challenges faced by the council and understands that there won’t be an immediate solution. The report was moved. 


Supporting documents: