Agenda item

Application DM/2022/01826 - Retention and completion of domestic garage. 60 Old Barn Way, Abergavenny, NP7 6EA


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report and that an additional condition be added that the scheme be completed in accordance with approved drawings within six months from the date of the permission.


It was noted that this latest application proposes a reduction in the ridge height by 0.763m which is now 0.5m higher than the originally approved scheme in 2019.


The local Member for Lansdown attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points on behalf of local objectors to the application:


·         The application had previously been refused by the Planning Committee and the local Member quoted the reasons for refusal, namely, the garage has a large footprint that was considered to be too large.


·         The reasons that were formerly given for refusal for the previous application related to its unacceptable scale and mass. The proposal had failed to respect the existing form, scale, massing and layout of its setting and is contrary to the Local Development Plan.


·         The local Member quoted from the report of the Inspector. Even with a reduction in height it would continue to be an imposing and visually dominant building out of keeping with the character and appearance of the area. Concerns have been raised by neighbouring residents that the garage has an overbearing impact on their properties and negatively impacts on their living conditions.


·         From the rear facing garden and views from the rear facing 58 Old Barn Way, the outlook would be dominated by a mass of built form. The development is inappropriate to its context.


·         The applicant has added a new document to the Planning Portal which states that the footprint has substantially been reduced. From the original permission granted in 2019, with the substantial cladding being added, the footprint has not reduced but has grown substantially to the point where the building cannot be completed correctly. It was considered that there would be insufficient room to complete the soakaways and guttering.


·         The building is out of scale and dominates the surrounding area and is out of context with its neighbourhood. No other building nearby is higher than 2.4 metres.


In response the Development Services Manager informed the Committee:


·         The building is 0.4 metres wider than the original approval.


·         A garage with the same width could be built under permitted development rights.


·         The length of the building remains the same as originally proposed.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed the following points were noted:


·         Some Members expressed concern regarding the over dominance of the proposed additional 0.5 metre ridge height and considered that the ridge height of 4 metres, outlined in the original plan, would be more appropriate. The building was considered to be out of character with the street scene.


·         The Committee was asked to focus on the impacts of the building and whether the 4.5m proposed ridge height would be acceptable or not.


·         Reducing the ridge height might mean that the roof needs to be rebuilt with different roofing materials required to cope with a shallower pitch.


·         The soakaway requirements would be addressed via building regulations.


It was proposed by County Councillor D. Rooke and seconded by County Councillor M. Howells that application DM/2022/01826 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and that an additional condition be added that the scheme be completed in accordance with approved drawings within six months from the date of the permission.


Upon being put to the vote the following votes were recorded:


For approval             -           7

Against approval      -           3

Abstentions               -           2


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2022/01826 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and that an additional condition be added that the scheme be completed in accordance with approved drawings within six months from the date of the permission.

Supporting documents: