Agenda item

Application DM/2021/00622 - Retention of the 4 small fans and removal and replacement of the 6 larger fans. Atherstone, B4347 Turners Wood To Porthygaelod Farm, St Maughan's, Monmouthshire, NP25 5QF


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


The local Member for Llantilio Crossenny attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points on behalf of local residents who are affected by the application:


·         Local residents are not objecting to the revised application as long as the result is a reduction in noise from the fans.


·         Local residents had expressed concern that the report of the application did not express the extent to what they have endured for the last five years whereby the noise has been a 24-hour problem that ebbs and flows throughout the day.


·         However, they welcome the measures being put in place to ameliorate the problem but consider this application to not be a perfect solution for them. Even with the replacement fans, residents will still be disturbed at various times throughout the day.


·         Enjoyment of their property will not return to how it was before 2018.


·         If planning permission is granted, residents are keen for checks to be made by appropriate professionals to ensure that the equipment, as specified in the application, is installed.


·         In terms of the follow up noise verification checks outlined in the report of the application, residents would like to be given notice of when the noise assessments at their properties are to be undertaken. As the degree of noise disturbance is greatly influenced by the weather, residents asked that those checks be undertaken in appropriate weather conditions and on different days to provide certainty that the stated noise reduction has been achieved.


·         The noise is worse on a warm dry day with a southerly wind. Residents are likely to be outside and have windows open on these days.


·         The fans were introduced in 2018 as this was the best available technique. However, it was also because of the increasing numbers of birds that were being held in the poultry shed. Residents are concerned that the stocking levels have not been addressed.


The Specialist Environmental Health Officer responded as follows:


·         With regard to the first assessment undertaken having regard to British Standard methods provided the levels of noise that would be predicted at nearby premises. Queries raised at this stage were answered.


·         The main reason why the acoustic housing was not progressed was due to ventilation issues.


·         The subsequent application report provided is a better option and anticipated to produce a lower level of noise by using a six bladed fan instead of a three bladed fan. It is anticipated that this type of fan will eliminate the pulse currently generated from the existing fan.


·         A decibel chart was provided to illustrate noise levels. When the 12 gable end fans are in use, the noise at the nearest noise sensitive property will be 30 decibels. There will be times when the background levels will drop to 25 decibels. Therefore, the Environmental Health Department is not in a position to object to the application.


·         Guidance on sound insultation and noise reduction for buildings looks at the impact internally.


·         Appropriate conditions have been suggested.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         The earth bund has been removed which may have been suppressing the noise from the fans. Discussions have been held with the applicant and the noise consultant and if needed the bund will be reinstated.


The local Member summed up as follows:


·         Condition 3(A) refers to noise monitoring and residents would like this to be undertaken when the noise levels are at their worst.


·         Condition 3(B) is not considered to be an adequate mitigation if the fans don’t reduce the noise levels.


The Development Services Manager informed the Committee that verification of noise levels will be undertaken in consultation with local residents as access to their properties will be required before monitoring can take place. Monitoring will be undertaken when Environmental Health Officers deem this appropriate.


It was proposed by County Councillor F. Bromfield and seconded by County Councillor M. Powell that application DM/2021/00622 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


Upon being put to the vote the following votes were recorded:


For approval             -           12

Against approval      -           0

Abstentions               -           1


The proposition was carried.

We resolved that application DM/2021/00622 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: