We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report, with an additional two conditions, namely:
· Compliance with approved site levels (to manage flood issues).
· A Flood Action Plan to be submitted pursuant to the reserved matters.
· The owners of the Willows Garden Centre would welcome the new development as this will provide an improvement to the access road to their business.
· There have been concerns from nearby residents mainly regarding an anticipated increase in traffic flow on the new development as well as flooding issues.
· Baron Street is a very narrow single lane road with narrow pavements. The road serves a retirement complex with 28 homes. Cottages along this road do not have foundations and have incurred cracks during constructions on previous sites in this area.
· Restrictions on delivery vehicles will be required via a full Management Plan at the construction phase at the access point at Baron Street to ensure residents and pedestrian safety.
· Concern has been raised by residents of Mill Street regarding the increased risk of floodingto homes from the rivers Usk and Olway. It was considered that further information to address this issue needed to be included in the report of the application.
· Reference was made to the levels of phosphates being produced via the garden centre after the proposed properties are built. The local Member asked whether the report was still applicable as it had been written in October 2021.
· It was questioned whether the Graig Olway treatment works would be able to accommodate the extra six properties.
· The local Independent Member read out a statement from the local Conservative Member which was outlined in late correspondence.
The Development Management Area Manager responded, as follows:
· A Traffic Management Plan will be established during the course of the works. The additional six properties are not considered to be excessive in terms of the volume of traffic on the highway network at this location.
· The Flood Consequence Assessment was undertaken in line with Natural Resources Wales (NRW), as the technical experts in this matter. It was noted that works are required to ensure that future occupiers of these dwellings, as well as surrounding neighbouring properties, are safeguarded. The development itself does not contribute to an existing problem. Officers consider that the application accords with National Planning Policy.
· The rising of the ground levels is a paramount mitigation measure.
· The garden centre phosphates levels (within the area that is outside the application site) are not known and is outside the remit of this planning application.
· Foul water will connect to Welsh Water’s assets and it has been confirmed that the capacity exists to take the additional amount.
The local Conservative Member for Llanbadoc & Usk attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:
· Concern was expressed regarding the raising of the land and the effect that it might have on nearby residents.
· It was considered that the report of the application should detail the flood risks as shown during storm Dennis and that this risk could then be covered off.
The Development Management Area Manager responded, as follows:
· Officers are satisfied that by mitigating the flooding impacts for the future occupiers the neighbouring properties that surround the development site are not being prejudiced.
· Storm Dennis occurred prior to the final Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) being completed. However, it was noted that there was no additional risk created by allowing this development according to Natural Resources Wales.
Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:
· The Action Plan would be submitted at the reserved matters stage. This would be in place and agreed subject to consultation with the Authority’s Flood Team and Natural Resources Wales and would need to be agreed before any development takes place.
· With regard to the Local Development Plan, all planning consents will be put into the calculation regarding predictions of future growth as part of the replacement Local Development Plan.
· Landscaping will be addressed via reserved matters, as well as any biodiversity enhancements.
· An informative could be added to encourage sustainable demolition of building material on the site.
The local Independent Member summed up as follows:
· Requested that officers check with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it has taken into account the impacts of flooding associated with the Olway Brook when assessing the flood information submitted by the applicant.
· He supports the establishment of a Traffic Management Plan.
The local Conservative Member summed up as follows:
· The flooding risk from the river Olway has not been fully identified within the report of the application and he supported the request made by the local Independent Member that officers check with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it has taken into account the impacts of flooding associated with the Olway Brook when assessing the flood information submitted by the applicant.
The Head of Planning agreed that officers would check with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it has taken into account the impacts of flooding associated with the Olway Brook when assessing the flood information submitted by the applicant and that this matter be agreed via the Delegation Panel.
It was proposed by County Councillor J. Butler and seconded by County Councillor S. McConnel that application DM/2018/01995 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report, with an additional two conditions, namely:
• Compliance with approved site levels (to manage flood issues).
• A Flood Action Plan to be submitted pursuant to the reserved matters.
Also, that officers would check with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it has taken into account the impacts of flooding associated with the Olway Brook when assessing the flood information submitted by the applicant and that this matter be agreed via the Delegation Panel.
Upon being put to the vote the following votes were recorded:
In favour of the proposal - 14
Against the proposal - 1
Abstentions - 0
The proposition was carried:
We resolved that application DM/2018/01995 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report, with an additional two conditions, namely:
• Compliance with approved site levels (to manage flood issues).
• A Flood Action Plan to be submitted pursuant to the reserved matters.
Also, that officers would check with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) that it has taken into account the impacts of flooding associated with the Olway Brook when assessing the flood information submitted by the applicant and that this matter be agreed via the Delegation Panel.
Supporting documents: