Agenda item

To note the Action List from the previous meeting


The action list from the previous meeting was noted.


1.    Key Collaborations: The Performance and Data Insight Manager provided an update that a draft list identifying key collaborations has been shared with the Internal Audit Team and the Strategic Leadership Team. Internal Audit will use a sample from the list to examine the effectiveness of oversight of the collaborations.  It was agreed these aspects will be reported upon in two parts a) the collaborations (at the next meeting) and b) the outcome of Internal Audit’s review of effectiveness. Forward Planner to be amended accordingly.  [ACTION OPEN]


2.    Provision of fraud figures: An e mail with the information was circulated to Committee Members.  [ACTION CLOSED]


3.    Statement of Accounts: The Head of Finance reported that work is in progress to bring the audited statement of accounts back to Governance and Audit Committee in January 2023. Revisions to the statutory deadline to the end of January are expected. Audit work is progressing well and nothing significant has been flagged so far. [ACTION OPEN]


4.    20mph Speed Limit: It was explained there is no opportunity to carry forward unspent Welsh Government grant funds. However, Welsh Government provides funding each year for councils to submit bids to secure funding for specific schemes. If there is slippage in specific schemes and there is unspent money, this may be allowed to continue in the next year's allocation. [ACTION CLOSED]


5.    Audit Wales Springing Forward Report:  The Chair met with the Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) and Chief Internal Auditor and will make some firm proposals regarding the Forward Work Programme for further discussion. 


The DCE referred to the risk register and the need to distinguish between what items fall within the scope of the Governance and Audit Committee and any overlaps with the Performance and Overview Scrutiny Committee. The approved Corporate and Community Plan puts in place the policy framework for the council. Enabling strategies are updated in line with the five-year administration term of the new Council and will undergo scrutiny prior to consideration by Cabinet/Council.  The DCE expressed the view that the scope of the Governance and Audit Committee is to seek comfort on broader governance arrangements.


Regarding the Corporate and Community Plan, a more holistic report was suggested that will provide a line of sight and reassurance for the overall enabling strategies surrounding the Plan.  Assurance is provided on the performance framework and a similar report on how the policy framework is working can be provided.  A discussion between the Chair and the Chair of Performance and Overview Scrutiny Committee was suggested.


A Member asked about progress with the Corporate and Community Plan and was informed that that the intention is to bring a more detailed plan to Council in January 2023.


A Member observed that ensuring risks are managed and detailed examination are core elements to the role of the Committee. It was commented that long waits for strategies reflect uncertainties about the organisation. It was also commented that it should not be assumed that Lay Members are furnished with the same information as Elected Members.


A Member queried the people and asset strategies as matters arising from the Audit Wales Springing Forward report. It was responded that Audit Wales reports are scrutinised by the committee best placed to scrutinise according to topic on a case by case basis.


Scrutiny arrangements: [ACTION OPEN]


6.    Whole Authority Strategic Risk Assessment: The Performance and Data Insight Manager will provide a presentation on the authority’s approach to risk management at the January meeting.  [ACTIONS 1 & 2 CLOSED]


It was explained that Risk 13 was subsequently revised to “High” on agreement with the risk owner. [ACTION 3 CLOSED]


7.    Management of Cyber Security: The information was securely shared with Committee Members following the last meeting. [ACTION CLOSED]


8.    Vetting of Key staff: The Deputy Chief Executive will contact Colin Prosser after the meeting. [ACTION OPEN]


9.    Route of referral for bribery, fraud and corruption concerns: The Chief Internal Auditor provided an update that the anti-bribery fraud and Corruption policy was circulated today to all members with a list of who the main contacts are if any members, officers or members of the public have concerns.  A Member queried if all Members had been circulated with the policy, not just Members of the Governance and Audit Committee.  The Chief Internal Auditor will address this matter.  [ACTION CLOSED]


10.  Strategy for medium term sustainably: The Head of Finance was thanked for providing Lay Members with a presentation on the medium-term financial strategy, budget and recovery plan. The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that the medium-term financial strategy will be presented to Governance and Audit Committee in the new year.  This item is already on the Forward Work Programme.  [ACTION CLOSED]


11.  Audit Wales Work Programme:  Lay Members have received a presentation on the medium-term financial strategy. An e mail was also circulated by the Head of Finance today.  [ACTION CLOSED]

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