The action list from the last meeting was noted.
1. Key collaborations: The Performance and Data Insight Manager provided an update to the Committee that a draft list of key collaborations was complete ready to share with Internal Audit and the Strategic Leadership Team prior to adding to the Forward Work Plan.
Action Status: Open (Recommend to Close - 24th November 2022)
2. Cross-referencing Reports with the Committee’s Terms of Reference: The Chief Internal Auditor will review Governance and Audit Committee reports against the Committee’s terms of reference. Going forward, he will ensure that reports on the Forward Work Plan have a cross reference.
Action: Open (Ongoing until March 2023)
3. Internal Audit Outturn Report:
i) Invite service managers to next meeting re: Limited Opinions (Concessionary Travel) and Fleet (Health and Safety and Driver Management): This item is on the agenda for today’s meeting.
Action Status: Closed
ii) Provision of Fraud figures (not percentages): The Chief Internal Auditor
advised that the information has been collated and commentary added to circulate to Committee Members.
Action status: Open (Recommendation to Close – 24th November 2022)
4. Action List: The action list has been reformatted
Action status: Closed
5. Statement of Accounts:
i) The Acting Assistant Head of Finance stated the amendments have been made and the document will be finalised by this Committee at the next meeting.
Action status: Open (Recommendation to Close – 24th November 2022)
ii) 20mph speed limit scheme and funds availability for scheme reversal: A response will be circulated by the end of the week.
Action: Open (Recommendation to Close – 24th November 2022)
6. Audit Wales Quarterly Update and Timetable: The Audit Wales Assurance and Risk Assessment report is on the agenda for the meeting today.
Action status: Closed
7. Audit Wales Springing Forward Report:
i) The Chief Internal Auditor and Deputy Chief Executive are meeting with the Chair; scrutiny arrangements for the people and asset strategies will be discussed.
Action status: Open
ii) The Chair will discuss progress against interim key milestones at the above meeting.
Action status: Open
iii) Update and Completion of Corporate and Community Plan: The Performance and Data Insight Manager explained that the Plan is on the agenda for Cabinet next week and will be considered by Council on 27th October 2022. The Plan sets an initial direction to be further developed. The full Plan is scheduled for publication in early 2023 alongside the budget.
Action status: Open
8. Whole Authority Strategic Risk Assessment
The Chair offered support on the actions listed at the last meeting to close them by the end of the calendar year. The Performance and Data Insight Manager explained that the Risk Register’s revised format will take account of the comments made and a draft version will be shared with the Chair.
The Housing risk has been re-assessed as “High”. The risk register has been amended accordingly.
Action status: Open (Recommendation to Close – 24th November 2022)
9. Scheduling meetings closer to quarter ends: Removed from the action list.
Action status: Closed
Supporting documents: