Agenda item

Application DM/2022/00494 - New dwelling (Plot 2). Azalea Cottage, Old School Hill, Mynyddbach, NP16 6RP.


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement.

The local Member for Shirenewton attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:

  • Concern was expressed that there was outline planning permission for two plots with a shared drive. However, there will now be the development of both shared drives under condition 8.


  • Condition 11 has a construction method statement.  The local Member suggested that that the following be added:


-       Operation to avoid blocking of the road by construction vehicles during primary school starting and leaving times.


  • Concern has been raised regarding overlooking issues. Condition 14 refers to the biodiversity enhancement statement which should be followed in 4. This refers to an area of woodland trees to be retained and improved at the northern end of the site. Properties in the area can now be overlooked. The local member asked that the woodland area be improved as it is contained within the current conditions. Holly trees had been removed recently exacerbating the overlooking in this area.


The Development Management Area Manager responded as follows:

  • There is a condition proposed for a Construction Method Statement but this relates to ecology rather than transport vehicles entering and leaving the site. However, a Construction Traffic Management Plan could be added via condition should the Committee consider this necessary.


  • In terms of overlooking, there is a 30 metre rear garden from the rear of the new property to the boundary. There is a further 30 metres from the boundary to the property behind equating to a 60 metre distance between the two dwellings.  There are also a number of substantial trees with Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) at the bottom of the garden that are to be retained along with other trees that are within that planting area. There is a significant slope on site. Therefore, it is not considered that there is a detrimental impact in terms of overlooking on the neighbours. Due to the height and vegetation in between the amenity of the neighbours is protected.


  • Some felling of holly trees had been undertaken on site in order to relocate the electricity pole. There are other trees that are to be retained via condition. There are also other ecological conditions.



  • Condition 14 illustrates the design and location of ecological enhancement measures which will come into force when development commences.


It was proposed by County Councillor Ben Callard and seconded by County Councillor Fay Bromfield that application DM/2022/00494 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement with an additional condition for a Construction Traffic Management Plan.

For approval                         -           13

Against approval                  -           0

Abstentions                           -           0

The proposition was carried.

We resolved that application DM/2022/00494 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 legal agreement with an additional condition for a Construction Traffic Management Plan.


Supporting documents: