Agenda item

Update from RVE Adviser


Hayley Jones, RVE Adviser provided an update as follows:


1)    WASACRE:


·         Thanked SACREs for consultation responses on the WASACRE Constitution.

·         WASACRE is updating its website and developing more social media presence. WASACRE has added resources with a disclaimer that resources are not endorsed.

·         SACREs have been sent information about the European Forum for Teacher of Religious Education (EFTRE) survey.


2)    WJEC/Qualifications Wales:


·         A further amendment was made to GCSE Religious Studies, through pre-release of the theme for the D questions across the whole of Unit 1; this will benefit all students that sat the examination in the summer series.


3)    Estyn: HIghlights from Estyn feedback include:


·         Estyn does not monitor or ensure compliance

·         If little or no RVE is observed, it will be reported on, as with any key discipline or subject within the curriculum

·         The Equality and Diversity Qualification does not, on its own, meet the requirements for the current agreed syllabus

·         Collective Worship is inspected separately from RE (RVE)

·         Consideration needs to be given to how SACRE will use Estyn inspection information in its own review processes going forward.  Suggested topic for the Autumn Term.


4)    Welsh Government:


·         SACREs must review their Constitution and associated documentation in line with the new Curriculum for Wales, moving to become a Standing Advisory Councils for RVE (SAC) from September 2022.

·         RVE guidance is published on Hwb subject to some small amendments. There are direct links in our agreed syllabus. If there are any major amendments to the guidance or legislation in future, this will be made known to SACREs, published and a further Agreed Syllabus Conference to endorse the changes would be necessary.  Such changes would be flagged on the landing page for the Curriculum for Wales website.

·         A suite of RVE resources is awaiting publication and addition to Hwb. A video is available for further information.


5)    EAS and RVE:


·         RVE Professional Learning: A suite of resources will be launched in September to complement Welsh Government resources. Some face-to-face professional learning will be provided plus external providers will assist schools with curriculum design and progression with examples of good pedagogy.

·         Newsletter: It has been decided to incorporate RVE and SACRE information in the Humanities Termly Newsletter.  SACRE was asked to think of suggestions for inclusion in the newsletter.

·         Social Media: There is a Humanities Twitter page with good RVE content and examples from schools. 

·         Humanities Teams space: updates and information on RVE and SACRE can be found here.

·         Spirited Arts Competition. EAS is working with Church in Wales on the competition.

·         Estyn reports will be circulated as available.


On behalf of practitioners, Charlotte thanked Hayley for her help and support.


In response to a question, it was clarified that RVE is equally applicable in Catholic schools.  RVE guidance from the Catholic Church is not yet published.  It was confirmed that there is a link to the Catholic RVE guidance in the Agreed Syllabus document due to be endorsed by Council at its next meeting.


Regarding Estyn, it is expected that reports will be received for SACRE to review.  Section 50 inspection reports are on hold in order to review the system in schools. More information will be provided in due course.


It was queried and confirmed that SACRE Members are able to access professional learning courses and resources. 


An Education Day was organised recently by Church in Wales and the presentations were recorded; the links can be made available., if required.