We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report including the revised conditions in late correspondence, the additional Events Management Plan condition and the resolution of the appropriate assessment regarding the foul drainage phosphate issue with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
The local Member for Llanfoist Fawr, also a Planning Committee Member, outlined the following points:
· Concern was expressed regarding traffic issues around the site, in particular potential parking issues occurring on-site for the larger events that will be held at the venue.
· The school site had been identified as a potential area for parking provision on these occasions. However, when this is full, vehicles might be inclined to park in the nearby residential estate which already experiences school traffic.
· It has been suggested that a field not located within the red line boundary could accommodate in the region of 300 parking spaces. This has not been proposed to be conditioned within the report. The site has also been proposed as an allotment site so could not also be used for overspill car parking.
· Access to the site can be difficult with high volumes of traffic in the area at certain times of the day. Additional traffic generated from the proposed cycle track would exacerbate the existing traffic problems in the area. Transport surveys had been undertaken on a Sunday during the lockdown period which did not accurately reflect the vehicle movements for the area. It was considered that a further survey should have been undertaken.
· Concern was expressed regarding how the condition to control foul water would be enforced.
· Sound amplification generated from spectators attending large events on the site was a concern.
· Out of hours security needed to be addressed.
In response, the Development Services Manager provided the Committee with the following information:
· With regard to the parking overspill issue, officers are looking to condition this via the Events Management Plan.
· Foul water would be a matter for the Authority to enforce and monitor. As part of the detailed Foul Drainage Plan we would seek a plan from the appointed contractor for them to verify where they would move the waste to ensure that it is being located outside the phosphate area.
· The events being held at the site will be on a smaller scale with nominal spectators anticipated to attend.
· Out of hours security can be controlled by having a barrier to prevent the track being used during this period.
The Community Infrastructure Coordinator provided the Committee with the following information:
· The overspill car park area has been considered as a potential allotment site. However, the site has been discounted as the field is a flood plain and floods at certain times of the year.
· It is not anticipated that there will be many large events being held on the site.
Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:
· In response to a question raised regarding the overspill car park and whether a condition could be added for use of the land outside of the redline boundary, it was noted that this matter would be discussed with the Authority’s legal department prior to issuing a decision.
· In response to questions raised regarding phosphates, it was noted that the Authority is working with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and environmental regulators to ensure that there are no pathways for this waste to enter into the water course. A mitigation measure of a Foul Drainage Management Plan is being proposed whereby all contractors disposing of the waste will have to adhere to. This would be a condition. In terms of consulting Welsh Water, it does not usually comment on the detail of local planning authority’s decision making with regard to the impact of potential phosphate entering into the water course. The local Authority works with NRW which is the environmental regulator in this respect.
· The positive aspects of the application outweigh the negative aspects.
· The pond at the site is largely owned by a third party.
· Significant green infrastructure measures are being provided at the site via condition.
· The temporary toilet provision will be in place until there is a solution to address the phosphate issue. Positive conversations are being held with NRW and Welsh Water with a view to addressing the longer-term issue of toilet provision at the site.
· For larger events, the management plan will be used. Larger events also require an event safety advisory group with a view to minimizing the impact in the area. However, the vast majority of events being held at the site will not trigger this type of concern.
· We are unable to insist that the applicant provides photovoltaic (PV) lighting as part of the planning application.
· The circuit will be for wheeled vehicles only. It will be fenced off to prevent unauthorised access outside of the scheduled times of use. The public footpaths that run through the site will be diverted around the outside of the fence.
The local Member summed up as follows:
· The traffic survey was atypical having been undertaken on a Sunday during lockdown.
· An additional survey might have identified improvements to the site that could have been enacted.
· The local Member wants to see cycling provision in Abergavenny.
· On this occasion, the local Member has decided to abstain from voting on this application as he has concerns regarding the highways issues.
It was proposed by County Councillor M. Feakins and seconded by County Councillor R. Harris that application DM/2020/00400 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report including the revised conditions in late correspondence, the additional Events Management Plan condition and the resolution of the appropriate assessment regarding the foul drainage phosphate issue with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:
For approval 12
Against approval 0
Abstentions 3
The proposition was carried.
We resolved that application DM/2020/00400 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report including the revised conditions in late correspondence, the additional Events Management Plan condition and the resolution of the appropriate assessment regarding the foul drainage phosphate issue with Natural Resources Wales (NRW).
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