Agenda item

Submitted by County Councillor Tudor Thomas

The Council accepts that current provision is unfit for purpose and that this Council totally upgrades and modernises the Abergavenny Bus Station as part of its commitment to ‘Active Travel’ and carbon reduction.

·       Access for people with mobility issues is installed. 

·       The bus shelters are replaced with shelters that protect travellers from the elements.

·       Suitable devices to prevent cars and other vehicles from accessing the ‘No Entry’ lanes - currently signs are ignored and vehicles pose a threat to safety of travellers.

·       Bus timetables are erected at a height at which wheelchair users can read and larger font sizes are used.



The Council accepts that current provision is unfit for purpose and that this Council totally upgrades and modernises the Abergavenny Bus Station as part of its commitment to ‘Active Travel’ and carbon reduction.


·         Access for people with mobility issues is installed.


·         The bus shelters are replaced with shelters that protect travellers from the elements.


·         Suitable devices to prevent cars and other vehicles from accessing the ‘No Entry’ lanes - currently signs are ignored and vehicles pose a threat to safety of travellers. Public Document Pack.


·         Bus timetables are erected at a height at which wheelchair users can read and larger font sizes are used.


Seconded by County Councillor M. Groucutt.


The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Services thanked County Councillor Thomas for submitting the motion and subsequently updated Council on works already planned in this financial year.


It was noted that:


·         Works intended for Abergavenny bus station before 31st March 2022, weather permitting, have already been planned in this financial year following a successful bid to improve bus facilities from Welsh Government.


·         At Abergavenny bus station, the stand 1 platform is to be increased in size to allow a larger new shelter to be installed.  Information boards and tactile paving will also be installed.


·         Stand 2 will be removed entirely to allow flow of traffic through the bus station. 


·         All dropped kerbs to platforms will have tactile paving and will be clearly marked between the platforms.


·         With regard to the bus shelter itself, Covid-19 guidelines did not allow for the front of the shelter to be covered.  As soon as this guidance is lifted the bus shelter will be provided with better coverage.


·         The island at the end of stand 5 is to be removed to provide better access to the stand whilst keeping the taxi parking and pavement.


·         Bays 2 and 3 of the coach parking are to be hatched out with no parking to ensure access for buses is maintained.


·         Signage is to be provided at the no entry point and the bus station entrance is to be clearly marked with allowed vehicles.


·         Signage to be provided at the rear of the coach parking bays to state parking conditions.


·         There will be dedicated motorcycle parking bays outside the café area and lining will be reinstated to mark bays and no entry areas.


·         This work is planned to be carried out and completed with funds received to be used in this financial year which addresses the points made by County Councillor Thomas.  However, there is an additional proposal to carry out a study of the whole bus station area to look at the longer term ambition of providing a new transport hub in this area that will be sustainable for the future.


·         The Cabinet Member considered that the motion could not be supported because all the points identified in the motion relate works planned for this financial year. Welsh Government funding has been received to improve Abergavenny bus station.


·         The Cabinet Member has regular meetings with the Pro-Mobility Group.


·         Once this year’s work has been completed the Authority will proceed with plans to create a sustainable transport hub at Abergavenny bus station by applying for funding to carry out a study.


Having received the motion and the response by the Cabinet Member, the following points were noted:


·         Some Members considered that the motion was unnecessary as the works had already been scheduled to take place within this financial year with funding provided by Welsh Government.


·         Other Members considered that the motion had been put forward in good faith and that Council should consider supporting it.


County Councillor Thomas summed up by stating that Abergavenny bus station had been in need of refurbishment for several years and therefore continued to stand by the motion.


Upon being put to the vote the motion was not carried.