Agenda item

Submitted by County Councillor J. Warkins

Council notes that:

a)     At just £67.25 a week, Carer’s Allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind.

b)     In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government increased the Universal Credit standard allowance and the Working Tax Credit basic element by £20 a week above the planned uprating in April 2020, but it has not increased Carer’s Allowance.

c)     Many unpaid carers are facing extreme financial hardship. A recent survey by Carers UK found that more than a third of those on Carer’s Allowance are struggling to make ends meet. Many have been struggling for months, often relying on foodbanks to feed themselves and the people they care for.    The Carers UK survey found that 43% of carers felt that a rise in Carer’s Allowance would help them, given the financial pressures they are facing.”


Council resolves that:

a)     We must stand up for carers, do more to support them, and build a more caring society as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.


Council directs the Leader of the Council to:

a)     Write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise Carer’s Allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in Universal Credit.

b)     Council resolves to put out a general communication to unpaid carers, third sector organisations and community councils to encourage carers to claim Carers Allowance.



Council notes that:

a) At just £67.25 a week, Carer’s Allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind.

b) In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government increased the Universal Credit standard allowance and the Working Tax Credit basic element by £20 a week above the planned uprating in April 2020, but it has not increased Carer’s Allowance. c) Many unpaid carers are facing extreme financial hardship. A recent survey by Carers UK found that more than a third of those on Carer’s Allowance are struggling to make ends meet. Many have been struggling for months, often relying on foodbanks to feed themselves and the people they care for. The Carers UK survey found that “43% of carers felt that a rise in Carer’s Allowance would help them, given the financial pressures they are facing.”


Council resolves that:

a) We must stand up for carers, do more to support them, and build a more caring society as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic.


Council directs the Leader of the Council to:

a) Write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise Carer’s Allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in Universal Credit.

b) Council resolves to put out a general communication to unpaid carers, third sector organisations and community councils to encourage carers to claim Carers Allowance


Seconded by Councillor Anthony Easson.


Councillor Armand Watts proposed an amendment to the motion, to include Part C as below:


Council directs the Leader of the Council to:

a) Write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise Carer’s Allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in Universal Credit.

b) Council resolves to put out a general communication to unpaid carers, third sector organisations and community councils to encourage carers to claim Carers Allowance

c) That the £128 earnings threshold is removed.


The amended was seconded by Councillor Frances Taylor.


Suggestion was made that a reasonable figure for the earnings threshold should be set out in the amended motion.


Councillor Kevin Williams declared a personal non-prejudicial interest


Upon being put to the vote the amended motion was carried and became the substantive motion.


Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Health proposed that part b of the motion was unnecessary and should be removed: b) Council resolves to put out a general communication to unpaid carers, third sector organisations and community councils to encourage carers to claim Carers Allowance.


She explained that forms of communication currently include a Monmouthshire Carers newsletter with updated information on everything beneficial to carers and their families, Social Media, video calls, virtual coffee mornings and meetings, Gwent carers hub and local support groups.


Upon being put to the vote the amendment to the substantive motion was carried.


The new substantive motion:


Council directs the Leader of the Council to:

a) Write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, urging them to raise Carer’s Allowance by £20 a week immediately, in line with the increase in Universal Credit.

b) That the £128 earnings threshold is removed.


Upon being put to the vote the substantive motion was carried.