Agenda item

Risk Management Report




To provide members with an overview of the current strategic risks facing the authority.


          Key Issues:


The risk assessment ensures that:

o   Strategic risks are identified and monitored by the authority.

o   Risk controls are appropriate and proportionate

o   Senior managers and elected members systematically review the strategic risks facing the authority.


·         The existing risks on the Strategic Risk Assessment have been updated based on evidence available in 2015, as presented at Appendix 1.   Changes to the council’s risk management policy were approved by Cabinet in March 2015. These are:


o   including pre-mitigation and post-mitigation risk scores, this was also a key recommendation from scrutiny of the 2014 risk assessment

o   ensuring greater clarity to the phrasing of risk so that each statement includes an event, cause and effect as shown below:





Risk of…Failure to…Lack of …Loss of…Uncertainty of …Inability to…Delay in…

Because of…Due to…As a result of…

Leads to…and/or…
result in…


·         The risk assessment only covers high and medium level risks.  Lower level operational risks are not registered unless they are projected to escalate within the three years covered.  These need to be managed and monitored through teams’ service plans. The pre and post mitigation risk levels are presented separately. In most cases mitigating actions result in a change to the likelihood of the risk rather than the consequences as our actions are generally aimed at reducing the chance of a negative event occurring rather than lessening it’s impact.  Clearly there will be exceptions.


·         Following presentation to select committees, the risk assessment will be presented to Cabinet for sign off. Prior to this, it will also form part of budget papers for discussion at Council to reflect alignment with strategic risks and proposed budget decisions the Council is taking. 


·         The risk log is a living document and will evolve over the course of the year as new information comes to light. An up-to-date risk log is accessible to members on the Council’s intranet - The Hub.  This will ensure as well as the ongoing specific scrutiny of the risk assessment annually, that select committees are able to re-visit the information at any point in the year to re-prioritise their work plan as appropriate.



Member Scrutiny:


A Member asked for an update on the rollout of ICT from SRS. It was advised that the information would need to come from the responsibility holder, with this information going to the next Economy and Development.


We were advised regarding the final risk relating to the recycling service, when the RSG was published that the cut to the grant was confirmed as 6.4%.




Committee’s Conclusion:


Chair’s Summary:


The Chair advised Members that the Shared Resource Service falls under the responsibility of the Economy and Development Select Committee and urged Members to raise any concerns relating to the delivery of this service to that Committee. 


Members were content to agree the risk register be presented to Cabinet.  The Committee recognised that the strategic risks had been aligned with the budget mandates and that as such, the key risks falling within this Committee’s remit had been discussed at the time the mandates were scrutinised.  However, the Chair advised that given that the risk log is a living document that will evolve over the course of the year as new information comes to light, the Committee would keep a watching brief on the risk log which will be updated continuously and will be accessible on the web in order to inform future scrutiny.





Supporting documents: