Agenda item

From County Councillor D. Batrouni to County Councillor S.B. Jones:

‘How many residents have been refused blue badges in Monmouthshire in (a) 2015/16 to date and (b) 2014/15?’



‘How many residents have been refused blue badges in Monmouthshire in (a) 2015/16 to date and (b) 2014/15?’



In response:


In 2014 – 15 MCC received 2,483 blue badge applications.  Of which 177 wore 7.1% were refused.  We issued 2,306 badges. 

Between 1st Apr – 30th Sep 2015 MCC has received 1,369 applications and has refused 157 – 11.4%.  This does show that there has been a 4.3% increase in refusals to date. 

It needs to be noted that the MCC refusals are for the discretionary blue badge applications.  Some people either because of certain conditions, or the benefits they receive automatically qualify. 


Why are badges being refused?

In February 2015 MCC, following best practice and guidance from Welsh Government changed the way blue badge applications were processed. 

Previously MCC received an application and would write to the GP who would determine whether a blue badge should be issued.  In 2012 Welsh Government initiated the Blue Badge Improvement Scheme which had the following aims:

No. 1 reducing demands on GPs

No.2 reducing costs on Health Boards as they paid GPs for every blue badge assessment letter

No. 3 creating a system which would be fair and consistent across Wales No. 4 reducing demands on GPs

No.5 aligning blue badge with the process utilised by Department of Work and Pensions for the assessments on Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment


The process now is:

·         Application form is issued to resident to fill in. If a resident needs help then MCC Hub staff will sit down with them, or we can do it over the phone. 

·         Form will be checked for accuracy as certain documentation is required

·         Form is then marked against elements provided by WG.  Each element has a point allocation. 

·         To qualify for a badge an applicant must be awarded more than 15 points.

Of the 157 refusals to date:

93 are renewals

64 are for new applications

It needs to be appreciated that blue badges are not just renewed automatically now.  Each application is a “new” application.  It is no longer assumed that previous qualification means you are eligible as it is recognised that circumstances can change. 

The main reason (142 out of 157) is that people have not met the 15 points needed. 


As this is a new system there is a process of Independent Assessment to review the Councils decision.  As this is still a new process Welsh Government have recommended that we direct people to the Assessor if they believe they could qualify even though the initial assessment has not given them sufficient points.  To date we have proactively referred 47 people and 38 of these have then been given a badge.  Welsh Government are taking advice from the assessors to determine if and how the toolkit could be improved.  A further version to the toolkit is due out before the end of the year. 


Relationship with DWP – disability living allowance and personal independence allowance

To streamline the process and to reduce duplication MCC does not review applications if people are in receipt of DWP benefits.  For example if they receive the higher rate of disability living allowance they automatically qualify for a badge.  If they get the lower rate then they are not eligible for a badge and residents should not apply to MCC if they have been refused by DWP – hopefully the process should be consistent irrespective of evaluating organisation. 

What we will not know though is how many are coming through to us if they have been refused completely by DWP.  If they declare it we will, but we do not routinely check with DWP on the applications they have received.

If a resident was unhappy with the DWP decision then their first recourse of application should be to ask DWP for a review. 


Moving Forward

MCC continues to work proactively with Welsh Government on the refinement of this guidance.  For example we have recommended heart conditions should be included. 

We do appreciate that refusals appeared to have increased this year and will continue to monitor why this appears to be happening.  At the moment it appears it is the implementation of the new system and the points criteria.  We do appreciate for people who have applied a refusal can be stressful and sometimes engaging with the system can add to that stress.  We will work sympathetically with applicants and will help them when ever possible and explain clearly why a certain decision has been taken.’ 


Councillor Jones would reply in writing regarding a question related to unsuitability through the DWP process and number of people affected.