Agenda item

Application DM/2019/00225 - Erection of a rural enterprise worker's dwelling and associated equestrian unit for dressage training and livery combined with change of use from golf course to equestrian use. Alice Springs Golf Club, Kemeys Road, Kemeys Commander


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report and late correspondence with an additional condition to require the dwelling to be occupied only after certain key buildings or infrastructure are already completed.


In noting the detail of the application, the following points were identified:


·         The shower amenity for the workers should be separate from the house itself and be attached to one of the buildings or the garage.


·         Concern was expressed that neither the functional need test nor the financial test have been met.


·         Concern was expressed that if the venture failed, permission would be granted for a new affordable property in the countryside.


·         The location of the manure waste storage area should be agreed with the Local Planning Authority before any buildings are occupied and the manure waste should only be deposited in that agreed location.


·         Concern was expressed that the independent assessment considered that the various tests had not been met.


·         It would be beneficial to the Planning Committee if it could visit the site.


·         The Development Services Manager informed the Committee that the application is being treated as a new dwelling on an established enterprise. It was considered that the application does meet the function and financial test notwithstanding the comments of the Council’s independent assessor. It was considered that there were mitigating circumstances which led to the officer recommendation to approve the application. With regard to the financial test, the figures presented justify the test being met.  There are labour requirements for 2.28 workers so approval of the application would satisfy one of those workers.  There are welfare reasons outlined in the report identifying why a worker should be residing on site.  Also, security issues come into play with regard to some higher end uses in this instance. Should the venture fail, the dwelling would be available for another rural enterprise.  If none of these conditions were met it would then become an offer as an affordable housing unit.  The size of the dwelling is 184 sq.m which is not considered to be excessive.  The landscape impact is acceptable and the scale of the enterprise means that this size of dwelling would be suitable in this location.


·         The Head of Planning informed the Committee that this is being treated as a new dwelling for an established enterprise. Evidence has been provided establishing a functional and financial need for the development to be located on this site. TAN 6 is very supportive towards rural enterprise and businesses.


·         This is a better site than the current location.  It would be purpose built and be a valuable facility located within the countryside.


·         Some Members considered the property would be a good size built to a high standard.


·         Other Members expressed concern regarding the size of the dwelling and that would be larger than necessary. It would be 184 sq.m but would exclude the office and the shower.  It was considered that these should be separate from the proposed dwelling.


·         Concern was expressed regarding the financial tests that had been undertaken.


·         The Head of Planning informed the Committee that with regard to the scale of dwelling, there is no Welsh Government Guidance regarding the scale of the development in terms of an agricultural workers dwelling.  Each application would be considered on a case by case basis. It was considered that the financial test had been met in terms of the need for full time worker.


It was proposed by County Councillor P. Murphy and seconded by County Councillor M. Feakins that application DM/2019/00225 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and late correspondence with an additional condition to require the dwelling to be occupied only after certain key buildings or infrastructure are already completed. A further condition be added so that the location of the manure waste storage area shall be agreed with the Local Planning Authority before any buildings are occupied and the manure waste shall only be deposited in that agreed location.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval             -           9

Against approval      -           6

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2019/00225 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and late correspondence with an additional condition to require the dwelling to be occupied only after certain key buildings or infrastructure are already completed. A further condition be added so that the location of the manure waste storage area shall be agreed with the Local Planning Authority before any buildings are occupied and the manure waste shall only be deposited in that agreed location.


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