Agenda item

To note the Action List from the previous meeting


The Action List from the previous meeting was noted.  The following updates were provided:


·         Performance Management: The Chief Officer, Resources responded that since the last meeting, the authority had been responding to the COVID 19 emergency by prioritising support for communities and businesses.  The Performance Management report that was planned has been delayed.  Focus has been on the wellbeing of staff reflecting the new circumstances.  The introduction of Microsoft Teams across the organisation was commented upon.  An analysis of staff interaction via Teams will be undertaken to provide information for future working and communication.  A Member queried if any assessment was being conducted into the psychological impact on staff  working from home (e.g. isolation).  It was confirmed that a staff survey is in progress.  Whilst appreciating everyone’s circumstances are different, so far responses indicate that, for most staff, working at home has been a positive experience with more interaction with teammates for some. A lot of wellbeing materials are available.  County Hall is shortly to re-open in line with UK Government social distancing requirements for staff who want to work there for short periods.    

·         Unfavourable Audit Opinions:  The Chief Internal Auditor referred to the work concerning Agency Work 2018/19 and 2019/20.  All responses have now been received and the finalised report sent to senior managers in March 2020. Managers have agreed to implement most of the recommendations.  A summary version of the report will be brought to Audit Committee and will be added to the work programme.

·         Whole Authority Strategic Risk Assessment:  The Performance Manager provided an update on the long-term risk and opportunities work being developed in partnership with Gwent Public Service Board. This work is still under development and timescales have been affected by COVID 19.  Currently, the whole authority risk register has been updated according to the new risks posed by COVID 19 (e.g. the financial impact).  The new risks will be managed and mitigated according to the authority’s strategic risk management arrangements.  In response to a question, it was confirmed that Emergency Planning and Business Continuity arrangements are in place to manage the current emergency, and the responsibility of the Audit Committee is to seek reassurance about the authority’s strategic risk management arrangements and these are regularly reported upon. An interim monitoring report covering COVID 19 will be added to the Work Programme.

·         Investment Committee Annual Review: The Chief Officer, Resources explained that there has been regular and frequent communication with tenants at Castle Gate and Newport Leisure Park.  Whilst no rent concessions have been agreed to date, quarterly rent invoices have been issued and may trigger further conversations. UK Government support measures for job retention and furlough of staff are in force. It was pointed out that the local authority will have significant shortfall arising from loss of income from Leisure Services, Registrars etc.  £78m funding has been made available by Welsh Government and the eligibility criteria is awaited.  Audit Committee will be provided with a report at a future meeting and assurance was provided that the Investment Committee receives regular reports to keep abreast of the current situation.  A Member asked about the possible re-opening of some leisure outlets with social distancing and the effect on Investment Policy going forward.  It was responded that the investments are for long term gain.  The Investment Committee will continue to monitor and manage the ongoing and evolving situation.  There are no current plans for exit strategies.

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