Agenda item

Consideration of Community Infrastructure Levy Projects




Members received a report to update on progress made in preparatory work for a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), particularly in relation to the identification of potential projects that might be eligible for funding from CIL.


Key Issues:


A progress report on CIL was presented to Economy and Development Select

Committee on 15 October 2015. That report focused on the results of the consultation on a CIL Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS) that took place for a period of 6 weeks from Thursday 12th February 2015 to Thursday 26th March 2015.


Since the report to the Select Committee on 15 October the viability work had been refined further and the charging schedule that was appended to that report has been amended slightly.  The amended charges are incorporated in the document that is attached as Appendix C and would form the basis of the next formal stage in the CIL preparation process – the consultation on the Draft Charging Schedule (DCS).


Further work was needed to develop and update the infrastructure list and it was agreed at the 15 October meeting that this report would be brought to Select to advise members of the identification of potential projects that might be eligible for funding from CIL.


Member Scrutiny:


The Chair clarified that the issue was demonstrating the need and that categories could be added at a later date following consultation.  The Head of Planning advised that the Regulation 123 list agrees the high level categories where funding would be allocated, which would then need approval by Council.


Following a Members request for clarification, the Head of Planning confirmed that CIL would only apply to developments of three or more properties, not single housing.  Members felt that this would be significant difference to Community Councils where developments may be one or two houses with an anticipation of extra money through CIL.


The strategic sites did not attract CIL but rather Section 106 money and it was questioned if we knew the amount of money to be expected from CIL.  Officers explained that it was difference to be precise as it relied on planning permission being granted and floor area of market dwellings.  Some estimated figures were provided as Crick Road in Portskewett £1.5million, Rothley Farm £1.9 million, Vinegar Hill £1.6 million.  Schemes were more likely to come forward in the latter part of the plan period.  The Head of Planning explained that Section 106 money could only be spent in the locality but CIL would go into a central pot, which would give more freedom.


We heard that self-build would be exempt, 90% of dwellings would fall into that category.


A concern was raised that there may be a case that separate planning applications may be made in order to save CIL money. 


In terms of developments in small villages, the majority of the developments being proposed in the LDP were rural affordable housing sites which requires 60% affordable housing and there was a specific exemption against those sites for providing CIL.


Reference was made to the statement in the report that 132 line through the Abergavenny strategic site could be paid for by CIL but it was a concern that the LDP clearly states that to be a developer cost.  Officers confirmed there was no intention for CIL money to subsidise development costs.


A Member raised a concern surrounding the broadband infrastructure and the need to use potential CIL money for development rather than Welsh Government funding.


A Member queried how CIL would fit with 21st Century School funding.  The Head of Planning explained that CIL money would be used for top up funding and having education on the regulation 123 list would allow this to be used.  It was noted that Members would need to approve the allocation.


The Chair questioned what the next steps were, and officers explained that the next stage would be to develop the final draft charging schedule for consultation, to be taken to planning, Cabinet and Council in February.  Prior to that there would be an all Members seminar on 28th January 2016.  There was an opportunity to return to Select Committee to further explain the draft charging schedule in March or April 2016.




The report recommended that Members note the contents of the report and comment accordingly.



Committee Conclusion


Chair’s Summary


The Chair summarised the points discussed by Members and recommended that the Economy and Development Select Committee receive a further report following the consultation process, prior to the inspection.



Supporting documents: