Agenda item

Performance Report on the support offered to businesses through the Monmouthshire Enterprise Strategy




Members were presented with a report from the Head of Economy and Enterprise in order to provide a performance update on the activities of Monmouthshire Business and Enterprise (MBE).


Key Issues:


·         One of the Council’s four priorities is ‘Supporting Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Job Creation’.  In 2014 a new vision for the Enterprise Directorate was agreed: To develop and promote an enterprising culture, which builds business resilience and creates excellent outcomes for our communities. Within this vision a specific mission for MBE has been identified which is to build the enterprise capacity and reinvent our future.


·         Cabinet approved the Monmouthshire Business Growth and Enterprise Strategy in November 2014 and endorsed the appended Action Plan. Within the Strategy there are three pillars or objectives presenting a consolidated approach to the delivery and implementation of the Strategy:


1.    Supporting Business Growth

2.    Enabling Inward Investment; and

3.    Growing Entrepreneurs.


·         The Strategy and the associated annual Business Plan for MBE addresses customer needs through the provision of a programme of business support, networking and facilitation to help unlock the potential for growth in the County. In 2015/16 activities are targeted towards achieving these key priorities and maximising funding opportunities to reduce the financial burden on MCC.


·         Further to this and following the closure of the 2007-2013 RDP programme in December 2014, a new Local Development Strategy was submitted to Welsh Government in September 2014.  The Vale of Usk Local Development Strategy approved by MCC Cabinet in June 2015, is a key tool in drawing down funds of £2.79M from the new 2014-2020 RDP Programme which has now been expanded to include the rural wards of Newport. MCC is the Administrative Body for the programme holding overall responsibility. Activities are directed through the newly formed Vale of Usk Local Action Group – a local partnership based on the three thirds principle of representation from the community, private and public sector.


·         In addition MBE also delivers the external strand of the Council’s iCounty Strategy which includes the coordination of broadband infrastructure and ICT exploitation activities.


The Chair invited the Head of Commercial and People Development to update the Committee on Skutrade, a pre-trade cloud based software that enables businesses to know the real-time full costs and profitability of selling products in international markets. Skutrade was being supported by MCC further to a Cabinet report presented in July 2015 which stipulated how Skutrade would help deliver the Council’s iCounty and Monmouthshire Business Growth and Enterprise strategies by enabling Monmouthshire businesses to have reduced fee access to the platform.


We heard that there was some slight slippage in the timeline, one of which had been brought about by some of the delay in bringing the platform through user acceptance testing.  Officers were hopeful that by the end of the year we would be in a position to conclude on the market testing and bring the business case to legal and finance colleague.


Members were invited to comment.


Member Scrutiny:


Members asked if there were specific problems with Skutrade.  In response we were informed that there were not necessarily problems just software development issues where testing programmes had taken longer than anticipated.  Testing had identified that certain fixes were needed that had stretched the timeline. 


Members expressed concern that they had been led to believe that we were ready to go and had already been presented with a robust business case, but were now hearing that we would be ready in the new year.  The Head of Commercial and People Development advised that the report had been brought to Select and Cabinet had advised that the development was a work in progress.  Officers were keen to receive complete reassurance that the platform was ready to go with risk suitably mitigated, and when officers were comfortable with the business case it would be pushed forward.


A question was raised regarding our position with intellectual property in general.  We were advised that officers were still taking advice and when, as a Council, we were solid in terms of arrangement the market would be actively engaged. 


There were concerns that significant jobs had been lost in the area and it was questioned if we were looking to utilise the people affected by this.  It was also questioned if we were observing what was happening in Bristol.  It was noted that a fair proportion of the workforce were travelling over the bridge, and several businesses were expanding their offices into Bristol.


The Chair noted that a roadshow would be held where conversations could be held with businesses to address the issue raised.


The Cabinet Member expressed that it was unfortunate to not see the continuation of the renewables business in Chepstow.  When a number of jobs were lost due to the closure of Mabey Bridge very few had not found new work in the area.  In terms of general economic development in Wales, it was not something MCC alone could crack.  It was essential to work as part of a South East Area.  The issue of the M4 and tunnels may create problems for people to move business into the area.  The good news that Central Government was putting money into city deals was encouraging. 


The Chair suggested that Regional Economic Planning, with a focus on city deals, be added to the forward Work Programme (ACTION – HI).


The Head of Economy and Enterprise explained that in terms of Bristol, officers were working with a company based in Bristol in terms of construction and apprentices, and were encouraging them to use our apprentices on their construction program.  There was regular contact with Chepstow Chamber in order to understand the needs.  The digital sector had been identified as an area for growth.  Contacts had been made for city discussions.  It was hoped that the website would help expand, and raise awareness of Monmouthshire as a destination rather than a drive-through.


A question was raised regarding the situation with Superfast Broadband.  We were informed that regular updates were being received.  Officers were aware of the requirements for homeworking and were looking to create a biz hub in Chepstow to encourage people to work in a networked atmosphere.  The Head of Commercial and People Development informed the Committee that he was a member of ICT Exploitation for Business Superfast Advisory Panel, which was made up of some of the key players in industry.  It was the responsibility of the panel to make sure that infrastructure was being properly exploited.  An update had stated that BT had gone through the 75% target and were working towards 95%.


With regards to unsuitable premises we were advised that meetings were being held with Mon Enterprises and Planning Department to establish what is on offer.


In response to a Members question regarding available areas for businesses to develop we were informed that officers were working closely with Planning, and businesses in order to solve any problems.


A Member queried if an officer from Welsh Government was still available to attend the Chamber of Commerce at Chepstow, and if there was an opportunity to work in tandem with them.  We were informed by the Existing Business Manager that previously a member of Business Wales had attended the Chepstow Chamber to provide business support on behalf of Welsh Government.  Officers worked closely with Business Wales to ensure businesses were aware of the full range of support available.  Even though a representative no longer attended the organisation still continued to provide support.  Members requested that attendance at Chamber of Commerce in Chepstow would be appreciated.


Members commented that in terms of usage a key area would be the website and questioned if the communications team would be used to increase the profile on social media.  Clarification regarding percentage of premises with access to broadband was requested, and how far behind the 96% Welsh Government target were we in terms of the roll out.


The Head of Economy and Enterprise explained that officers would be reporting back quarterly on website analytics, going forward.  We heard that officers were working with the Communications team.  We were informed that there were some isolated premises and it was hoped the broadband pilot would help in that area.  In terms of RDP and projects it was early days, and other local authorities and action groups were still developing their applications and expressions of interest but Monmouthshire’s were on the website.  We were hoping to put projects forward in the next couple of weeks and would appreciate Members promoting the programme in their areas.


In response to a concern regarding the empty properties in Monmouthshire and the worry of being left behind, it was explained that part of the role of the Existing Business Manager was to be aware premises available across the county and helping businesses to identify suitable premises.  It was noted that every opportunity was being taken to draw the attention of businesses to available premises.







The report recommended that Members receive the report in evidence of activities detailed in the Monmouthshire Business Growth and Enterprise Strategy Action Plan, as reflected in the Chief Officer’s Annual report for Enterprise.





Committee Conclusion


Chairs Summary


The Chair expressed that the growing entrepreneurship programme was very encouraging and Members welcome a progress report.


The Chair summarised the key points discussed and highlighted recommendations as:


i. A regional look at development in terms of city deals, and adding to the work programme.

ii. Presentations held with Town and Community Councils on the RDP funding should be made available to all Town and Community Councils across the County.


We thanked officers and noted the report

















Members were recommended to receive the report in evidence of activities detailed in the Monmouthshire Business Growth and Enterprise Strategy Action Plan, as reflected in the Chief Officer’s Annual report for Enterprise.




Supporting documents: