Agenda item

Road Issues

Updates from Roger Hoggins, Head of Service - Strategic Projects (Fixed Term)


·         Chepstow Road Study – Funding response

·         Mounton Road – public reaction to improvement proposals

·         High Beech Roundabout


The Head of Service - Strategic Projects (Fixed Term) attended to provide an update on transport issues affecting Chepstow and surrounding area as follows:


It was reported that Welsh Government had agreed to some additional white lines at High Beech Roundabout before the end of the financial year.  In the following financial year a more in depth study will be conducted to consider options for improvement (including those raised by Transition Chepstow).  It was confirmed that Monmouthshire County Council will be consulted as some County maintained roads lead onto the roundabout.


Disquiet was expressed about the suggestion to block off Fairview and it was agreed that Welsh Government should speak to elected members about the effects of traffic issues on the whole area.  It was explained that part of the Welsh transport appraisal guidance (WelTAG) assessment process will look at options to identify priorities and consultation is a requirement.


It was confirmed that the proposal for Hayes Gate will also be considered as part of the WelTAG Study.


The Committee was reminded that the study is not exclusively focused on road schemes as Welsh Government is committed to reduction of car use.  The Stage 1 WelTAG Study is complete and includes three parts for further investigation at Stage 2:


a) Chepstow By-Pass;

b) Hayes gate M48 slip road; and

c) Improvements to public transport.


Monmouthshire County Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, Welsh Government, Highways England and the Welsh Office have commissioned Arup to undertake Stage 2 WelTAG.


Arup has also been commissioned to undertake the Newport-Chepstow Corridor Study, plus a study of the two Severn River crossings.  This approach will be useful to promote an integrated response.


A reminder will be sent to Welsh Government regarding a previous commitment to review the traffic management (lane management in particular) on the ‘Newhouse roundabout’ – southern end of the link road from High Beech Roundabout and above the M48. Also, the traffic management on the link road itself was highlighted as requiring revision (subsequent to a fatality some years ago).


It was raised by a Member that the A466 is likely to be closed intermittently, and in sections, in the Spring with traffic lights to optimise opportunities for the road to remain open.


The issue of illegal parking by rock climbers was revisited.


Regarding Mounton Road, it has been reported by officers that public consultation on the three options supported option 3 to retain two-way travel, introduction of traffic calming (speed pads) whilst noting that there is insufficient space to construct a dedicated footpath.  The Chair expressed concern that a decision to retain two-way (20mph) travel will prevail due to local interest and that the top end will remain dangerous particularly for children, adults pushing prams etc.


It was confirmed that the authority is working on schemes to improve road safety in Wye Valley villages.  The schemes will enhance village environment and also encourage Active Travel.  The initiative was welcomed.  In response to a comment it was confirmed that there would be better , not more , signage.


There was no update available in relation to a question regarding a 20mph default in villages and contradictory signs.