Agenda item





We considered the report of the application which was recommended for approval subject to conditions outlined in the report.


Mr Nicholls, objecting to the application, attending the meeting by invitation of the chairman and outlined the following points:


·         Mr Nicholls objected to paragraph 5.5.1 of the briefing notes

·         He considered drainage to be an issue for the property and that the new scheme changes the current distribution of surface water.

·         Highlighted that under a previous application for the property a porosity survey was needed.

·         A property down the slope will be affected by the surface water drain away below.

·         Mr Nicholls believes that insufficient consultation was conducted and the surface water needs to be addressed.


Paul Brice, agent to the applicant, attending the meeting by invitation of the chairman outlined his following points:


·         Previous planning applications related to two dwellings but concerns around drainage led to the plans to be changed and is now therefore proposing a single property.

·         Adjustments have been made to the plans to as requested alleviate any concerns.

·         Other applications within the locality have been approved for larger and taller properties than this application.

·         Request that the application be approved.


The committee queried 5.10 and 5.2.3 in relation to the ridge height and clarification on the height due to different measurements contained in the application report. An officer confirmed that the different measurements are due to property being sunk in to the ground and measurements presented are from neighbouring properties and at ground level.


Members are pleased that the Wye Valley AONB consider the plans to have no detrimental impact on the property but still has concerns around surface drainage water. Condition 7 of the application states that no surface water from site shall drain into county highway and queried if highways have confirmed they are happy that the proposals are fit for purpose? Officers confirmed that highways and building control had been consulted and are happy with the proposals in the application.


Members raised concerns around the consultation period and that the consultation closed the day of the meeting and queried whether the committee should only be considering the application once all relevant consultation and information is complete. Officers informed members that they had re-consulted on the amended plan even though they do not need to and if any further correspondence arrives before the end of the day that brings new information to light then it could be sent to the delegated panel for decision.


It was proposed by Councillor Blakeborough and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the application be deferred to a future meeting until the consultation period was complete.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded and the motion not carried.


            To defer                                  -           4

            Against deferral                       -           8


Having considered the report and the views expressed, it was proposed by County Councillor R. Harris and seconded by County Councillor M. Powell that application number DC/2012/00685 be approved subject to the conditions, as outlined in the report.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


            For Approval               -           11

            Against Approval         -           0

            Abstentions                 -           1


We resolved that application number DC/2012/00685 be approved subject to the conditions, as outlined in the report. Any further consultation objections received before 04/11/16 to be reported to the Delegated Panel prior to a decision being issued.

Supporting documents: