We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was
recommended for approval subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report.
The local Member for Llanfoist, also a Planning Committee Member, outlined the following points:
· Concern was expressed regarding the status of the pedestrian links on the plans, in particular to the north western boundary of the site. This is not a path that is used frequently. If this is to be a viable and regularly used path, regular maintenance of the path will need to be undertaken.
· The siting of the coach house in the middle of the courtyard / parking area is considered to be inappropriate and a request was made for this to be revised.
· Concern was expressed regarding the use of Gypsy Lane with regard to excessive speed of traffic along this route. This route is already used extensively as a route to the south. Concern was expressed that there has not been any direct mitigation identifying how the Section 106 agreement might address this issue.
· The local Member asked that the Committee grants consent to consider removing the parts of class A to side extensions on plots where there is tandem parking to the side of a dwelling.
· Concern was expressed that the mass of the western cottages was excessive. This issue could be looked at again with agreement of the Delegation Panel.
In response to the issues raised by the local Member, the Head of Placemaking, Housing, Highways and Flood provided the Committee with the following information:
· Outline planning consent had been granted. The reserved matters had been presented to Committee for consideration.
· An existing public right of way runs along the rear of the development. There are no changes proposed to the right of way except for a link being created from the proposed development to improve connectivity.
The Development Services Manager provided the Committee with the following information:
· In terms of design, the Coach House and western terrace could be reviewed.
· With regard to permitted development rights, a condition could be added that the parking areas should be retained for parking provision which would prevent properties being extended onto these parking spaces.
· As this is a reserved matters application, vehicle use and traffic speeds along the B road cannot be considered as the principle of development has already been agreed. The Highways Department could look onto this matter outside of the scope of the application.
In considering the application the following points were noted:
· It was considered that there was a need to reduce the speed limit along the length of Gypsy Lane.
· The terrace needs to be redesigned.
· Bus stop provision had been considered at the outline planning application.
· Electric charging points would have had to have been undertaken at the outline planning application stage via a Section 106 agreement.
· The fake chimneys make it more difficult to incorporate solar harvesting on the roofs. Protection of the fake chimneys would be detrimental to solar harvesting opportunities.
It was proposed by County Councillor M. Powell and seconded by County Councillor R. Harris that application DM/2019/00346 be approved subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to an additional condition to ensure parking spaces are retained at all times for parking use. Also, the long terrace be re-designed, the coach house unit in the parking court be reviewed and consideration be given to the removal of the fake chimneys. These amendments to be presented to the Delegation Panel for approval.
Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:
In favour of the proposition - 8
Against the proposition - 0
Abstentions - 1
The proposition was carried.
We resolved that application DM/2019/00346 be approved subject to the eight conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to an additional condition to ensure parking spaces are retained at all times for parking use. Also, the long terrace be re designed, the coach house unit in the parking court be reviewed and consideration be given to the removal of the fake chimneys. These amendments to be presented to the Delegation Panel for approval.
Supporting documents: