Browse meetings

North Monmouthshire Area Committee

This page lists the meetings for North Monmouthshire Area Committee.

Some committees produce forward plans which are details of items that the committee are due to discuss and when. For more information on items committees will consider click here

To watch a live streaming of this meeting visit our youtube page here or to watch recordings of previous meetings held by the committee click here

Information about North Monmouthshire Area Committee

Monmouthshire has four Area Committees, Severnside, North Monmouthshire, Central Monmouthshire and Lower Wye each responsible for raising awareness of local issues.


County, Community and Town Councillors for the wards within the areas attend the meetings which are held locally within the area the committee is responsible for. 


The Rural Forum is open to Community and Town Councils and County Councillors which look to address issues in predominantly rural areas of Monmouthshire.