Agenda and draft minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Sub Committee - Friday, 24th January, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA with remote attendance

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest



Application to Vary a Premises Licence - The Crown at Pantygelli pdf icon PDF 246 KB

Additional documents:


We considered an application to vary the current Premise Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 for The Crown at Pantygelli, Old Hereford Road, Pantygelli, Abergavenny, NP7 7HR, for the following:


·         Licensing the lawn to the north of the property for marquee functions during Spring and Summer. All alcohol will be sold on site for onsite consumption.   55mx18m of lawn space to hold functions confined to this area.


The Chair welcomed the applicants to the meeting and introduced Members of the Sub Committee and the attending Officers and explained the protocol for the meeting.


The applicants confirmed their name and address to the Sub Committee. The applicants confirmed receipt of the report and hearing procedure and acknowledged that they would proceed without legal representation.


The key issues and details were read out to the Sub Committee.  In addition, letters / emails in support of the application had been received from a local resident, the owner of a nearby local business, Peter Fox MS, and County Councillor Malcolm Lane.


Monmouthshire County Council’s Principal Environmental Health Officer presented his objections to the application.


Local residents presented their objections to the application.


The applicants were then given the opportunity to address the Sub Committee, to put forward any relevant explanations. Following this, Members of the Sub Committee and the objectors put forward questions to the applicants and discussion ensued. The applicants were then given the opportunity to sum up.


Following questioning, the Licensing Sub Committee Members and the Monmouthshire County Council Solicitor left the meeting to deliberate and discuss the findings.


Upon re-commencement, the Chair advised that the Sub Committee had considered the issues and had resolved that, based on current evidence, it was the decision of the Committee to adjourn the meeting until a Noise Impact Assessment has been completed and followed up with a Noise Management Plan. The meeting would then be re-convened following receipt of this information.