Agenda and draft minutes

People Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 21st January, 2025 10.00 am

Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA with remote attendance


No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


No declarations of interest received.  




Public Open Forum.


No public present. 


Policy Update - Review of Homesearch Policy. To scrutinise the amendments to the policy (report to follow). pdf icon PDF 150 KB

Additional documents:


Ian Bakewell and Rebecca Cresswell delivered a presentation on the Homesearch Policy and answered the members’ questions with Cabinet Member Sara Burch.? 


·        The Chair inquired whether the waiting time in Band 1 homelessness has increased from 11.5 to 12.7 months and whether this is due to a bottleneck around the availability of one-bedroom accommodation? 


Officers confirmed that the increase in waiting time is primarily due to the low number of one-bedroom properties availableand also that the readiness of applicants to move on also plays a role.  



·        The Chair asked if additional support is offered to individuals with learning disabilities or other support needs, if the simplified policy document is not sufficient for them. 


Officers advised that while the document is lengthy, home search staff are available to answer queries and assist people. Whilst there isn’t a simplified version of the policy, it was acknowledged that this may be considered for future reviews.?  


·        The Chair sought a working definition of "welfare priority" in the context of the policy document, specifically what it means by improving or having a detrimental effect on social well-being. 


Officers advised that social welfare priority can cover a broad range of circumstances where someone's current situation is worsening their physical or mental health or that of their children. It is backed up with evidence from partner agencies and is not massively used but is available when needed.  


·        A member asked whether armed forces charities and the Citizens Advice Bureau been consulted on these changes, particularly regarding financial thresholds 


The Cabinet Member responded that the consultation was not extensive due to the minor nature of the review. However, the team’s experience and ongoing links with agencies informed the changes. Officers added that changes to the armed forces covenant are anticipated, which may require further consultation in the future.? 


·        A member inquired about the support available for using home search, especially for those who are not IT savvy, and whether outside bodies like the Citizens Advice Bureau receive training to help people.  


Officers explained that the main support comes from home search itself and housing support providers. There are also close links with Citizens Advice through housing support work, and the team will ensure they are equipped to assist.Action: Ian Bakewell to ensure partner agencies are suitably trained on the Homesearch policy. 


·        A member asked whether there many people who are homeless and struggling but don't get picked up by the system? 


Members heard that while there are people in the community who are still sleeping rough and some who are unable to be accommodated for various reasons, efforts are made to keep this to a minimum. Some individuals may not access support due to various reasons, but there are good networks with faith groups and hubs to help direct people to the right resources. They added that they make every attempt to identify and support people as soon as they are known.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


People Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme and Action List. pdf icon PDF 403 KB

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Manager would email all members the details of the budget scrutiny meetings. Members would contact the scrutiny team if they wished to attend rather than observe. ACTION: Scrutiny Manager. 


The Chair requested that an update on the Tudor Street Day Centre be added to the forward work plan, to review the progress and expectations of the lease granted to the gathering, which recently obtained charity status. ACTION: Scrutiny Manager. 


Councillor Strong asked to add Age Friendly Status to the forward plan for a progress update. ACTION: Scrutiny Manager. 




Cabinet and Council Planner. pdf icon PDF 277 KB




To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th November 2024. pdf icon PDF 255 KB



·        People Scrutiny Committee – 25th November 2024? 


The minutes were agreed, proposed by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Strong.? 




Next Meeting: Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 10.00am.