Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA with remote attendance
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Ann Webb, Maureen Powell as substitute.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet Member Ben Callard and Jonathan Davies introduced the report and answered the members’ questions with Cabinet Member Ian Chandler, Nikki Wellington and Cabinet Member Martyn Groucott.
Minutes: Cabinet Member Ben Callard introduced the report and answered the members’ questions with Richard Jones,Matthew Gatehouse and Cabinet Member Ian Chandler.
· Members asked about the high number of risks (14 out of 16) being rated as high and whether the mitigations are effective or if they are being overly cautious. They also enquired about unforeseen risks and how they are managed in departmental risk registers. The officer explained that the risk levels are assessed pre-mitigation and that the post-mitigation scores reflect the anticipated impact of the mitigation actions. It was acknowledged that while some risks remain high, the Council is cautious and bases its assessments on evidence and referred to the introduction of Directorate Risk Registers to manage risks at a more detailed level. · Members asked if unforeseen and unpredicted risks would now be added to each directorate's risk register and were advised that as much as they can foresee and have evidence for risks, they will be included in the Directorate Risk Registers. Officers emphasised that risk is an ever-changing field, and the Council aims to keep up to date with it. · The committee asked about the financial sustainability and service delivery given the persistent financial pressures, overspending in social care, and educational deficits. They enquired about key areas where further action or alternative approaches might be required to close the gap. Officers, in responding, referred to the development of a medium-term financial strategy and a new budget monitoring process as key mitigating actions and also a programme of change looking at how the Council operates in the future. · Questions were asked about workforce challenges and retention, particularly in social care and education, and whether there are contingency plans for high-risk roles or sectors if initiatives take longer to yield results. Officers explained the development of a new people strategy focused on recruitment and retention, including a new recruitment portal and website to attract talent and referred to proactive approaches being taken in social care to recruit qualified social workers. · Members raised the rising demand and complexity of cases in social care for children and adults, and how the Council is ensuring measures to address potential workforce and provider problems in the medium term. The Cabinet Member for Social Care detailed several initiatives, including a new strategy for children's placements, investment in recruiting foster carers, and a new commissioning strategy for domiciliary care. The challenges of a rising aging demographic and the need for long-term projects to extend healthy life expectancy was discussed. · A member asked if children involved in care are always managed to stay in their own area and school, or if they ever have to be moved away and the Cabinet Member for Social Care responded that while the aspiration is to keep children local, it is not always possible due to a lack of placements and foster carers. Each case is assessed independently to determine what is in the best interest of the child, and sometimes it is necessary to move them out of ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Secondary Schools Leadership Funding Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet Member Martyn Groucott and Nicola Wellington introduced the report and answered the members’ questions.
Chair’s Summary:
The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and officers. The report was moved.
Next Meeting Minutes: 11th February 2025. |