Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA with remote attendance
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: Councillor Laura Wright was nominated by Councillor Jackie Strong, seconded by Councillor Butler.? |
Appointment of Vice Chair Minutes: Councillor Jackie Strong was nominated by Councillor Sue Riley, seconded by Councillor Wright. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None. |
Public Open Forum Scrutiny Committee Public Open Forum ~ Guidance
Our Scrutiny Committee meetings are live streamed and a link to the live stream will be available on the meeting page of the Monmouthshire County Council website
If you would like to share your thoughts on any proposals being discussed by Scrutiny Committees, you can submit your representation in advance via this form
· Please share your views by uploading a video or audio file (maximum of 4 minutes) or; · Please submit a written representation (via Microsoft Word, maximum of 500 words)
The deadline for submitting representations to the Council is 5pm three clear working days in advance of the meeting.
If representations received exceed 30 minutes, a selection of these based on theme will be shared at the Scrutiny Committee meeting. All representations received will be made available to councillors prior to the meeting. If you would like to attend one of our meetings to speak under the Public Open Forum at the meeting, you will need to give three working days’ notice by contacting . The amount of time afforded to
each member of the public to speak is at the chair’s
discretion, but to enable us to accommodate multiple speakers, we
ask that contributions be no longer than 3
Minutes: None. |
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2022-2027 To scrutinise ongoing progress on rapid rehousing programme. Additional documents:
Minutes: Ian Bakewell and Rebecca Cresswell delivered a detailed presentation (available on the Council’s website with the agenda), introduced the report and answered the members’ questions with Jane Oates.
Key points made by Members:
People with Care Experience To scrutinise a proposal that care experience is treated as if it were a protected characteristic. Minutes: Cabinet Member Ian Chandler and Jane Rodgers introduced the report and answered the members’ questions.
Key points made by Members:
Chair’s Summary:
The Chair confirmed that there was full support from the Committee for the direction of the report and thanked officers and the Cabinet Members for attending.
People Scrutiny Forward Work Programme and Action List Additional documents: Minutes: Noted. |
Cabinet and Council Planner Minutes: Noted. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16th April 2024 Minutes: The Minutes were approved as a true and accurate record. |
Next Meeting Minutes: 23rd July 2024. |