Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Sub Committee - Friday, 13th November, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: Remote Microsoft Teams Meeting

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest.




Application for a variation to the Premises Licence - The Kings Head Hotel (Including Regency 59 & The Coach House), 59 - 60 Cross Street, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 5EU. pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Additional documents:


The sub-committee considered the application to vary the premises licence for The Kings Head Hotel (Including Regency 59 & The Coach House), 59 - 60 Cross Street. The application seeks to vary the following:


·       To extend the licensed area to include a new beer garden space at the rear of the property.


·       Hours of beer garden use to be 10am to 11pm from the last week of March to the last week of October when the clocks change.


·       During the winter for the rest of the year, the hours of use in the beer garden, will be 10am to 10pm. A plan showing the proposed beer garden with a red line is attached to the application in Appendix A.


·       To provide background music in the beer garden area.


·       To remove conditions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 23 from the current premises licence.


The sub-committee considered the report prepared by the Licensing Officer. In doing so, the Committee noted the following:


The applicant within their operating schedule has outlined their arrangement under the four licensing objectives, and suggested conditions be attached to the new licence if granted. These can be seen at paragraph 3.4.


Representations were received against the application from Heddlu Gwent Police requesting the applicant agree to accept alternative licence conditions. These are contained within the report at paragraph 3.6 and have been accepted by the applicant.


The Trading Standards section of Monmouthshire County Council requested conditions be added to the licence, these are at paragraph 3.7, the applicant has agreed to accept the conditions.


The Committee considered the comments from the Environmental Health Department in relation to noise nuisance impacting local residents at paragraph 3.8 but note the department state the potential for effective management of the beer garden area to minimise any noise impact and do not object to this application.


There were no representations or no response from other Responsible Authorities and this is detailed at paragraph 3.9.


The Committee noted the representations from two local residents objecting to the licence, as attached at Appendix C. In particular:

·       Noise pollution

·       Possible anti-social behaviour from customers

·       Request for earlier music cut off time.

·       Request no music is audible at the car park.

·       Request for no rear access to car park from beer garden and a wall be erected to prevent customers entering the car park.

The committee were concerned about the issues raised over noise but felt that this could be effectively managed.


The Committee resolved to grant the application.