No. |
Item |
1. |
Election of Chair
requested nominations for chair for the next year
Councillor McFarling was nominated by Councillor T. Hale,
seconded by Councillor E. Bryn. Councillor McFarling elected
2. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair
Councillor A. Webb nominated as vice-chair by Mr A. Thomas,
seconded by Mr. M. Price. Councillor Webb elected vice
3. |
Apologies for Absence and Introductions
J Hynes (Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust), Mr B. Nash (Voluntary
Conservation Sector in Herefordshire), Ms. Whitehouse and Mr. M.
Quine (Environment Agency), Ms. B. Vine (HALC), Cllr Lynn Parker
(One Voice Wales), Cllr Ms. A. Webb and Cllr Steven Garrett (MCC),
Graham Morgan (GCC), Cllr David Wheeler (FoDDC), Stuart Cox
(Coleford TC), Robert Hatton (Monmouth TC).
present introduced themselves.
was noted that Nick Critchley will take the minutes as the usual
clerk was on annual leave.
4. |
Declarations of Interest
5. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting - 4th March 2024 PDF 164 KB
minutes of the Wye Valley AONB Joint Advisory Committee meeting
dated 4th March 2024 were confirmed by the Chair, to be signed at
the next meeting.
Matters arising:
further update on Bigsweir Bridge was
requested and the impact of the road closure at Monmouth.
Monmouthshire highways department have been asked, but no response
received to date, most likely due to their being no programme for
works. ML to raise issue and follow up.
review – AB has yet to set up the task and finish
6. |
Public Question Time
7. |
Annual report 2023/24 PDF 703 KB
received an annual report for 2023/24 and noted the delay in the
completion of the tabulated achievements for the Wye Valley AONB
Unit/National Landscape Team.
doing so, the following information was noted:
- The
2023/24 summary financial report on the delivery of the Work
Programme for the AONB Unit, which rebranded as the National
Landscape Team during the year, was outlined.
- There is a delay in completing the full Annual Report tabulating
the achievements of the year against the annual Work Programme.
This will be presented to the next JAC.
- High levels of achievement were maintained by the National
Landscape Team despite the challenges of some staff turn-over and
consequent reduced capacity during recruitment
- The
AONB Unit/National Landscape Team turnover in 2023/24 was
£1,112,852 resulting in the leverage of over nearly £23
for every £1 of local authority
Having received the report, the following points were
- The
expenditure appears staff heavy, but given the income generated
this was considered acceptable. It was noted that Capital funding
is hard to deliver without staff resources.
- There is a need to look at how we recruit and retain staff, as
there appears to be a high turnover and subsequent loss of
expertise. But it was noted that there is a good team currently in
place and hopes for continuity. The Government Comprehensive
Spending Review is key as financial uncertainty does not help staff
- All
current grant funding agreements finish at the end of March 2025.
Only confirmed funding presently in GCC contribution (circa
£5k). New funding agreements, potentially for 3 years, are
anticipated before the end of 2024.
welcomed the Annual Report figures and await the finalised Annual Report.
8. |
Planning Guidance & Position Statements PDF 2 MB
Additional documents:
received two Position Statements to endorse, which intend to
establish the position of the Wye Valley National Landscape
Partnership on key planning and development issues affecting the
doing so, the following information was noted:
- Position Statements help guide the Wye Valley National Landscape
Partnership and relevant plan-making and decision-making bodies to
articulate how the Wye Valley National Landscape, designated an
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), should be protected,
conserved and enhanced, helping to uphold and deliver the vision,
priorities and Strategic Objectives of the Wye Valley AONB
Management Plan 2021-2026.
- Position Statements are stand-alone documents, providing context
and explain why the Partnership is taking this
- Both draft Position Statements have had respective formal public
consultation periods, following which comments received have been
considered and subsequent amendments made. Shared experience from
similar Position Statements and Guidance produced by other
protected landscapes has also helped inform both Position
- Position statements are referred to, where appropriate, in
representations submitted by the National Landscape Team on
planning consultations.
- The
Partnership already has two position statements on Housing and
Landscape-led Development, both of which were endorsed by the JAC
in November 2023.
statements have previously been endorsed subject to consultation,
which has now taken place.
following points were noted:
- The
Renewable Energy title may be misleading, being focused on wind and
Solar, but with little weight given to other forms of renewable. It
may be a shortfall of the document that these are
- It
was noted that the position statements are planning documents aimed
at landscape impact rather than the wider benefits of renewable
energy. Wider benefits are best picked up in the AONB Management
- A
Climate Action Plan is forthcoming which may also pick up the wider
benefits of renewable energy. A Management Plan review is also due
to start shortly.
- The
issue raised is to be followed up between CE and AB outside of the
meeting and any necessary amendments to the statement made, before
seeking JAC endorsement of the final document via email. Deadline
of July 22nd made for resolving the response, with a
majority in approval needed to accept position
- Dark Skies statement has been updated with comments from
- Request that at 4.1.3. an interference to wildlife and plant
species be added. Also noted that vehicle lights not
- Herefordshire County Destination Business Improvement District
(BID) Board promoting Dark Skies as a big tourist opportunity. A
request will be made to the BID Board to endorse the position
- With new government now in place and potential relaxation of
planning, this statement is needed at haste.
endorsed the position statements, subject to circulation of final
edits, and all recommendations were accepted.
9. |
Lower Wye Tracks & Trails Strategy PDF 9 MB
Additional documents:
received a report to endorse the Lower Wye Tracks and Trails
Strategy, an Integrated Recreational Access Strategy for the
Monmouthshire part of the Wye Valley National Landscape, and the
associated Action Plan.
doing so the following information was noted:
- The
Monmouthshire part of the Wye Valley is home to an extensive
network of tracks and trails that allow residents and visitors
wide-ranging access to explore the natural beauty and Special
Qualities of the National Landscape.
- The
tracks & trails network, forming part of Monmouthshire’s
Highways and Public Rights of Way, are an evolution of historic
transport routes in the lower Wye Valley.
- The
Lower Wye Tracks & Trails Strategy and Action Plan is appended
and was commissioned by the Wye Valley National Landscape Team,
with the support of Monmouthshire County Council, Natural Resources
Wales and a range of other stakeholders and interested
- The
preparation of the Strategy included in-depth research on the
extent and type of tracks and trails and the nature of visitors and
users, backed up with a widespread consultation of both public and
professional interests.
- The
vision is for the Lower Wye Valley’s Tracks & Trails to
be a resilient, well managed and welcoming network for all
responsible users, with the Strategy and Action Plan outlining how
these routes should be looked after, enhanced for a wider audience
and conserved for the longer term.
- Generally the
Strategy recognises that for the vast majority of the Tracks and
Trails the appropriate response is to maintain the status quo on
how they are managed, whilst recognising that certain routes need
more intensive management and new solutions putting in
- The
associated Action Plan will be an evolving document overseen by a
sub-group of the Monmouthshire Local Access Forum, with subsequent
iterations and updates reported back to the JAC, and other groups
as appropriate.
Having received the report, the following points were
- Due
to the strategy being funded by Welsh Government, it only considers
the Monmouthshire part of the National Landscape.
- Recommendation that coordination is made with bus companies to
encourage sustainable transport in accessing the countryside. A
meeting is already planned with Newport Bus who run the 69 and 65
services. The National Landscape Team are also cataloguing their
walks archive and how they connect with bus routes.
endorsed the strategy.
10. |
Hedgehog Species Action Plans (SAP) PDF 1 MB
Additional documents:
received the Hedgehog Species Action Plan for endorsement, the
second of 5 Species Action Plans being prepared for the National
Landscape under the Colchester Declaration.
doing so the following information was noted:
- The
Colchester Declaration – a ‘declaration for
nature’ was produced by the National Association for AONBS
(NAAONB) and supported by all the AONB partnerships in
- Five species, or assemblage of species, were chosen as
representative of the Wye Valley National Landscape Special
- The
second Species Action Plan, for the Hedgehog, as a locally iconic
species and relating to boundary habitat diversity &
connectivity, has been published and is appended to the
- The
National Landscape team is working on the production of the
remaining Species Action Plans and an accompanying Wye Valley
National Landscape Nature Recovery Plan.
following points were noted
- In
Wales the 20mph speed limit might have a positive impact on
reducing road kill and increase
recording as a result.
endorsed the Species Action Plan.
11. |
AONB Partnership Study Tour 2024 PDF 554 KB
received recommendation to endorse the date and outline programme
for the Annual National Landscape Partnership Study
doing so the following information was noted:
- The
Wye Valley National Landscape Partnership Annual Tour will be held
on Friday 20th September.
- The
programme is still being finalised but will focus predominantly on
projects supported through the Farming in Protected Landscapes
(FiPL) programme and land management issues in the Herefordshire
part of the National Landscape.
- Initial invitations for expressions of interest to attend will
be sent out shortly.
- Invitations would be extended to representatives from our
neighbouring Designated Landscapes and other appropriate partner
organisations in the interest of sharing good practice and
broadening collaboration.
endorsed the proposals.
12. |
FiPL, SDF & HCF Grants update PDF 706 KB
received an update on the progress of the Farming in Protected
Landscapes (FiPL) programme, the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF)
and the Wye Valley National Landscape Fund with Herefordshire
Community Foundation (HCF).
doing so the following information was noted:
- The
DEFRA funded Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) programme in
England has an allocation of £362,384 for 2024/25, which is
currently the final year of the programme.
- The
FiPL Assessment Panel has approved grants totalling £303,675
in 2023/24 with £35,387 remaining. For 2024/5, £157,270
has already been allocated, leaving £205,113 remaining in
what is understood to be the last year of the
- Guidance and assistance to farmers and land managers applying to
the FiPL programme is provided by Anna Stankiewicz, National
Landscape Farming in Protected Landscapes Officer, along with Farm
Advisors from the Wye & Usk Foundation and Herefordshire
- The
Welsh Government Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) currently has
£80,103.50 allocated from the £100,000 available for
202/25, leaving £19,896.50 available. This is the final year
of the current funding allocation.
- Community groups, local organisations and individuals wishing to
apply for the SDF can get assistance from Lucinda James, National
Landscape Community Links Officer.
- The
Wye Valley National Landscape Fund hosted by the Herefordshire
Community Foundation (HCF) is currently closed for applications and
opportunities to grow the Fund need to be sought.
following points were noted
- It
was noted that two FiPL projects were for a disproportionately
large amount. The Historic Building Restoration Grant is separate
and additional funding from the main FiPL allocation. The National
Landscape benefits additionally through these projects as it
receives extra Advice & Guidance budget, which can offset other
revenue costs.
- It
is possible to see more detail on of all the approved FiPL projects
on the National Landscape website.
welcomed the report and update.
13. |
Partner and National Landscape Team progress reports and updates PDF 595 KB
received a report advising members of activity of the Wye Valley
National Landscape Team and other partners.
following points were noted:
- At
the National Association Conference recently National Grid provided positive feedback
about the Landscape Enhancement Initiative (LEI) application.
However, formal approval is yet to be received,
- There are requests for Redbrook
Bridge to have signage for no motorbike and horse access. A meeting
is required with MCC engineers and highways. ML will raise with MCC
- Proposal for the state of the Wye to be a standing item on the
JAC agenda. As a highly political issue this had not been put on
the agenda before the General Election. However, a River Wye Action
Plan has been produced and a new chair recently appointed to the
Wye Catchment Partnership. With Labour in government in both
Westminster and Cardiff now, it is hoped there may be more joined
up thinking.
report was taken as read.
14. |
Date of next meeting
Monday 4th November 2024 at 2.00pm.
Monday 3rd March 2025 at 2.00pm (to be
meetings will be held in the Council Chamber, Forest of
District Council Offices, Coleford.
Monday 4th November 2024 at 2.00pm.
meeting will be held in the Council Chamber, Forest of Dean
District Council Offices, Coleford.