Venue: The Council Chamber, Forest of Dean District Council Offices, High Street, Coleford, GL16 8HG
No. | Item |
Introductions & New Members Minutes: On behalf of the Wye Valley AONB Joint Advisory Committee, the Chair welcomed Rebecca Clay, Head of Tourism - Forest of Dean and Wye Valley Tourism, to her first meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Yolande Watson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of agenda item 8 – Farming in Protected Landscapes Update as she and her partner’s business had received a Farming in Protected Landscapes grant for the year ending 31st March 2023. She left the meeting taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon. |
Public Questions Minutes: None received. |
Confirmation of Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the Wye Valley AONB Joint Advisory Committee dated 7th November 2022 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.
In doing so, the following points were noted:
· The Forest of Dean District Council does not currently have the facility to hold hybrid meetings from its Council Chamber. The Council will be considering this matter after the local elections in May 2023. Therefore, for the time being, meetings of the Wye Valley AONB Joint Advisory Committee will continue to be held in person in the Council Chamber at the Forest of Dean District Council Offices, Coleford.
· A vacancy exists for the Gloucestershire County Voluntary Conservation Sector serving on the Wye Valley AONB Joint Advisory Committee. The AONB Manager informed the Committee that he was in the process of preparing for recruiting a new member. |
AONB (shared) Planning Officer Minutes: We received a verbal report by the AONB Manager regarding the appointment of a shared AONB Planning Officer. Josh Bailey had been appointed as the Wye Valley AONB Unit Planning Officer, shared with Malvern Hills AONB Unit. Josh had been in post for one month and it had been acknowledged that the appointment was already proving to be beneficial to the AONB Unit.
In doing so, the following information was noted:
· The AONB Manager informed the Joint Advisory Committee that training events were being arranged for local authority planning officers and members later in the year regarding planning issues relating to the Wye Valley AONB and its setting.
· The AONB Manager would inform the local parish and community Councils of the appointment of the AONB Planning Officer.
· The AONB Manager would liaise with the AONB Planning Officer with a view to whether the AONB website could hold details of applications within the AONB that are being looked at by the AONB Planning Officer.
We noted the verbal update.
AONB Unit 2023/24 Work Programme Additional documents: Minutes: We received a report regarding the AONB Unit Work Programme 2023/2024.
In doing so, the following information was noted:
Having received the report, the following points were noted:
We resolved to endorse the AONB Unit Work Programme for 2023/2024.
Designated Landscapes Review in England and Wales Minutes: We received a report regarding the Review of Designated Landscapes in England and Wales.
In doing so, the following information was noted:
Having received the report, the following points were noted:
We resolved:
(i) to note the report;
(ii) that the AONB ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Farming in Protected Landscapes update Minutes: We received a report regarding progress of the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme.
In doing so, the following information was noted:
We welcomed the extension of the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme and endorsed the allocations of the Local Assessment Panel.
Sustainable Development Fund & HCF AONB Fund allocations Minutes: We received a report regarding the AONB Sustainable Development Fund (SDF) and the Wye Valley AONB Fund with Herefordshire Community Foundation (HCF).
In doing so, the following information was noted:
We endorsed the allocations of the SDF for 2022/23, including allocation of any remaining funds to the Wye Valley River Festival.
National Association for AONBs Minutes: We received a report regarding an update in respect of the National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NAAONB).
In doing so, the following information was noted:
· The National AONB Conference will be held on 5th - 7th September 2023, with the focus on ‘Investing in Landscape’.
· The Conference will be held at Bath University with field trips to the co-hosting AONBs of Cotswolds, Cranborne Chase, Mendip Hills, North Wessex Downs, Quantock Hills and Wye Valley.
· The NAAONB is organising a staff development programme in the AONBs in Wales.
We resolved to:
(i) welcome the opportunity to co-host the National AONB Conference on 5th - 7th September 2023 and provide a fieldtrip to the Wye Valley AONB;
(ii) encourage AONB partners to attend the AONB Conference at Bath University;
(iii) support the AONB staff development programme in Wales.
(iv) encourage AONB partners to attend the AONB Conference at Bath University;
(v) support the AONB staff development programme in Wales.
Partner and AONB Unit progress reports and updates Minutes: We received a report regarding the activity of the Wye Valley AONB Unit relating to:
· AONB Partnership Seminar - 16th March 2023.
· Cleddon Bog SSSI & NRW Peatland funding.
· AONB Species Action Plans.
· Lower Wye Nature Networks Partnership Project.
· Integrated Recreational Access Strategy - Monmouthshire.
· Wye Valley Villages signage (Monmouthshire) & Delivery Group.
· Wye Valley River Festival.
In doing so, the following information was noted:
· The securing of funding to undertake the proposed works at Cleddon Bog was welcomed.
· Integrated Recreational Access Strategy – This relates to a complex network of public rights of way with a view to accommodating all users.
· Newland Parish Council is looking at establishing a green lane whereby motorcyclists have indicated that they would be willing to maintain it. It was noted that similar projects are being looked at on the Welsh side of the border. It was considered that there needs to be a strategic view undertaken of the whole area. A briefing document is in the process of being finalised before it is presented for public consultation.
We noted the report.
Dates of next meetings: Monday 3rd July 2023. Monday 6th November 2023. Minutes: · Monday 3rd July 2023. · Monday 6th November 2023.
The meetings will be held in the Council Chamber, Forest of Dean District Council Offices, Coleford and will commence at 2.00pm.
It had been acknowledged that there would be local elections in England in May 2023 for some local authorities. Therefore, the Chair thanked the members of the Committee for their service on the Joint Advisory Committee who will be standing for election in May.