Venue: Conference Room - Usk, NP15 1AD. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations made by Members. |
Public Open Forum Minutes: The Committee welcomed Mr. Iain Crawford who was in attendance to voice concerns regarding an issue around noise levels at Monmouth Library. He explained that in January 2018 he had been given permission by MCC officers to record decibel levels, and the outcomes from doing so. The resulting process has since caused distress and Mr. Crawford stated that he had been refused a fair and public hearing.
The Chair acknowledged the concerns raised and would arrange a meeting with the officers concerned, and the Cabinet Member for Safeguarding and would issue a written response to Mr. Crawford in due course.
Additional Item - Wyebridge Project Minutes: We received an update from the Head of Operations regarding the Wyebridge project. The scheme is to put a bridge over the River Wye for pedestrians and cyclists, which had been highlighted throughout the Active Travel Plan as a major issue. The scheme has been put together by the Town Council and members of community groups, assisted by the MCC.
The scheme has been through WelTAG Stage 1, and is now to move to stage 2. The Head of Operations will be putting a report to Cabinet in December recommending funding towards WelTAG Stage 2. The Authority has a fund provided by Welsh Government of £175,000, £80,000 would be used to fund the next stage. If it receives support we would look to WG to provide funding to take to Stage 3.
Extensive public consultation has been undertaken and would be detailed in the report. The Head of Operations agreed to forward the report to Members, and include a note regarding timescales.
County Councillor V. Smith stated that a similar scheme is needed in Usk.
The Committee resolved to support the ongoing scheme.
Redevelopment of Agincourt Square, Monmouth To receive a verbal report and presentation from Mr Roger Hoggins/ Ian Brain regarding the redevelopment of Agincourt Square in Monmouth including the resurfacing of the high street, enforcement of traffic control and street parking orders and proposed works to the “pinch point” as requested by the Monmouth Town Public realm working group.
Minutes: The Head of Operations provided an update on the redevelopment of Agincourt Square. There has been divided opinion but the overall feedback is to put the pinch point in as a permanent feature. There is currently extensive resurfacing being undertaken, with February 2019 being considered to carry out the works, when funding is in place. The works up into the narrowing will require more excavation.
An issue around bats is currently being resolved.
Drop kerbs will be used through the narrowing, and bollards may be introduced. The Chair added bollards would be a critical safety requirement.
We were assured that should the other end be developed the same materials would be available.
A Member asked if there would be a collection/drop off point, considered necessary for tourism. The officer explained that this had been raised at the last Public Realm Group meeting and the final scheme will try to take this into account, but recognised the challenges of a medieval town with modern traffic.
Petitions - Verbal Update 1. Save Bus Route 65 2. Hereford Road NP25 – Parking Petition 3. Excessive Vehicle Speeds - Llandogo Minutes: Save Bus Route 65
Bus Route 65 travels between Monmouth and Chepstow and was included within the budget as a proposal to withdraw the service and replace with a grass roots service and bespoke school service. This has been given due consideration and given that the Corporate Plan talks of supporting rural transport the service will remain. Officers have met with the group for discussions of improving the service at what was a positive meeting. There were ideas around a revised timetable which may offer savings whist maintaining a reasonable service.
Hereford Road
A draft scheme has been established but officers are to meet with Members and residents at the Shire Hall as the scheme is considered inadequate at the moment.
Llandogo Traffic Speeds
The Head of Operations had attended a well organised event held by residents at Llandogo Hall. There are improvements being made with road lines, signage and vehicle activated signs, but residents have aspirations to do more. This may need to be done on an incremental basis, and unfortunately would not be this side of Christmas.
Ward Matters Minutes: · Usk Post Office is staying open until the end of March 2019 then will hopefully move to the Hub. MCC will be the first Authority in the UK to do that.
There may be a need for planning permission for a new door to the toilets in the old mortuary building in Usk.
Town Council have asked that a 20mph speed limit be introduced through the whole of Usk.
A travelling Post Office will be opening in Llangybi in December 2018.
Air pollution monitors have been installed in Usk and results are below accepted levels.
· Raglan will be seeing an increase in housing of 36%. Welsh Government are looking at a call-in and decision will be known on 28th November 2018.
There was disappointment around the closure of Raglan Golf Course.
Raglan Castle had held a service where local scouts had put poppies on the castle, which had been a fantastic feature.
There was no progress with speed lights
· Gwehelog were to hold a Christmas Fayre on Sunday 25th November 2018.
Concerns remain around speed issues, the bridge, cycle routes and cofferdam.
· Trellech now has vehicle activated signs.
There were concerns around the broadband masts not working.
· Further work is needed on Wyebridge Street car park.
Residents of Hereford Road want double yellow lines along whole road.
· Traffic problems continue along Redbrick Road, Hadnock Road and at the Lidl roundabout.
A common area is being developed outside the McColls shop, and traffic issues are being looked into.
· Overmonnow School has issue where traffic delivering children is being forced up an unsuitable road. Emergency services are unable to access the school site.
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 67 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2018 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 13th February 2018 at 10am Minutes: Noted. |