Venue: The Sessions House, Usk. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from County Councillors P.R. Clarke, A. Webb, L. Hacket Pain, B. Strong and R. Edwards.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest received. |
Public Question Time Minutes: There were no members of the public present at the meeting. |
Minutes: The minutes of the Central Monmouthshire Area Committee meeting dated 10th June 2015 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
To receive an update on the Portal Road Development Minutes: The Estates Manager attended the meeting in order to inform Members of the current position with the Portal Road Development. In doing so we noted the following points:
To receive a verbal update on Community Hubs Minutes: The Head of Community Led Delivery updated Members on the current situation with the Community Hubs. In doing so the following points were noted:
Member raised the following issues:
Communication was disappointing in general. Publications could be on display around the market hall. We heard that Officers would provide further updates on the marketing and social media campaign, should they be required.
Concerns were raised regarding the length of time members of the public may need to wait to receive information, and if timings were monitored. We were advised that people were being encouraged to serve themselves where possible, but there was a system in place to monitor timings.
Following a query regarding different opening hours for different services we heard that Hubs were providing an integrated service, delivered by the same people and therefore, would provide one set of opening times. Staff were undertaking training in order to provide an efficient service in all areas.
We were informed that the alterations for the Usk Hub had been within budget and delivered on time.
New names for the Hubs were yet to be decided, and suggestions were welcomed.
To receive an update on the effects of the Velothon on Monmouthshire Minutes: The Head of Tourism, Leisure and Culture provided a brief update on the Velothon, explaining that there would be a seminar for Members on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 to provide further information.
Feedback had shown that the Velothon had been a great event, bringing many people into the region. Welsh Government had signed a 4 year contract to deliver 4 velothons. Chief Executive proposals would need to be adhered to before agreeing to the next event.
Following a debrief, the complaints heard in Monmouthshire had been echoed across South East Wales, and shortcomings had been identified as:
We heard that 20,000 cyclists had already signed up for 2016, an 8,000 increase on 2015. The date may be moved to earlier in the year to facilitate professional cyclists.
It was agreed, going forward, the following should be in place:
To receive an update on the pinch points on Monnow Street Minutes: Members received an email update from the Highways Senior Engineer regarding the Monnow Street pinch point trial.
We were informed that the trial was due to start in October 2015, and would be carried out for a month, in order to provide safer facilities for pedestrians.
The footways on Monnow Street between Agincourt Square and St. John Street would be widened, thus creating a narrower carriageway wide enough to accommodate one vehicle.
The trial would commence following resurfacing works in the town and would be monitored by council officers before recommending whether the arrangement would be made permanent.
Members expressed appreciation for the update but were disappointed not to be able to speak to the relevant officers in person.
Concerns were raised regarding the ongoing cutbacks within the council and the effect on the capacity of the Highways department.
Members referred to the lack of response to queries from the Highways Department and requested that officers respond in accordance with Council guidelines.
To receive an update on Monmouth School Minutes: The Chair informed the Committee of an email update received from the 21st Century Schools Manager. The following points were highlighted:
To discuss future agenda items for the Central Monmouthshire Area Committee. Minutes: The following suggestions were made for future agenda items:
To note that the next meeting of the Central Monmouthshire Area Committee will be held on Wednesday 27th January 2016 at 2.00pm. |