Venue: Council Chamber Town Hall Abergavenny - Abergavenny. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: County Councillor D. Edwards declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 Area Capital Grants, as he is a member of Abergavenny Community Trust (Park Street School).
County Councillor M. Hickman declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 Area Capital Grants, as he is the treasurer of the Friends of Llanfoist Chapel.
County Councillor S.G.M. Howarth declared a personal and prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of agenda item 9 Area Capital Grants, as he is the secretary of one of the applications received for grant funding. He left the meeting taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon.
Presentation by representatives of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board regarding the proposals for the new hospital at Llanfrechfa and the implications for Nevill Hall Hospital Minutes: We received a presentation by Andrew Walker, Programme Director, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board regarding the proposals for the new Specialist and Critical Care Centre (SCCC) at Llanfrechfa and the implications for Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Ministerial approval for the SCCC at Llanfrechfa was approved in October 2016.
· Complete the SCCC Enabling Works in July 2017.
· The SCCC Hospital construction commences in February 2018
· The SCCC to be completed in September 2020.
· The cost for the SCCC is likely to be £348M and will be operational in March 2021.
· The Royal Gwent Hospital and the Nevill Hall Hospital redevelopment will commence in Mid 2021 (4-5 year programme) subject to capital availability and Welsh Government approval.
· The SCCC will have 500 beds and 11 operating theatres. There will be no out-patient facility at the SCCC.
· The SCCC will be a five storey building with 1000 car parking spaces.
· Many services currently provided by Nevill Hall Hospital will remain.
· Operating theatres at Nevill Hall Hospital will reduce from eight to three.
· The Midwifery led unit at Nevill Hall Hospital will remain. Full medical back up will be available on site.
· Staff will largely transfer to the SCCC with some additional recruitment.
· It is anticipated that there will be bus services going directly onto the SCCC site from all areas of Greater Gwent.
· It was considered that the buses needed to be accessible for disabled people.
· The City Deal would be an opportunity of ensuring that transport services to the new SCCC are appropriate.
· The new SCCC will be located within five minutes from Cwmbran Rail Station.
· The new SCCC will free up space for more routine care provision at Nevill Hall Hospital.
· Work has been undertaken with the Ambulance Service with a view to making the transfer of patients between the Royal Gwent and Nevill Hall Hospitals more efficient.
· Nevill Hall catchment area will remain the same but will have about 100 fewer beds.
· Nevill Hall Hospital will be more accessible with regard to the provision of elderly care.
· When the new SCCC opens there will be more mental health care provision at Nevill Hall Hospital.
On behalf of the Area Committee, the Chair thanked the Mr. Walker for providing an interesting and informative presentation.
Confirmation of minutes PDF 157 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meeting dated 12th October 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:
County Councillor M. Hickman was in attendance. |
Presentation by representatives of Costain regarding progress in respect of the Heads of the Valleys Dualling - Gilwern to Brynmawr Minutes: We received a presentation by Phillip Baker, Costain’s Public Liaison Officer, regarding the Heads of the Valleys Dualling – Gilwern to Brynmawr.
The Area Committee was provided with a virtual drive through of the proposed works and the likely challenges that Costain will face during the coming stages. Information in respect of the forward plan was also provided.
Having received the presentation, the following points were noted:
· Many visitors have come to view the development.
· Costain’s Public Liaison Officer has provided local groups and organisations with a presentation regarding progress of the development.
· Costain was taking the lead on community engagement with a view to meeting schools and local organisations.
· The road will have a 50mph speed limit.
· The development was on target to be completed in the autumn of 2018 and was also coming in on budget.
· The Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) at Clydach Gorge will remain.
· Since the commencement of the development Costain has provided 47 apprenticeships.
On behalf of the Area Committee, the Chairman thanked Costain’s Public Liaison Officer for providing an interesting and informative presentation.
Public Open Forum Minutes: There were no members of the public present wishing to address the Area Committee. |
Team Abergavenny Progress report and the Five Year Plan PDF 108 KB Minutes: We received an update report by Team Abergavenny on progress made to date, as well as an update on the development of the five year plan for North Monmouthshire. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Team Abergavenny has established a sub group to look into the five year plan. The Team would like to include the Whole Place Plan within the five year plan. Currently, five themes are being looked at.
· Abergavenny Town Council is obliged by Welsh Government to produce a five year plan and Team Abergavenny has been working closely with the Town Council regarding this matter.
· In response to a question raised, it was noted that Team Abergavenny was not only looking at schemes within the town but also looking at schemes wider afield in the Bryn y Cwm Area.
· Of the 90 schemes identified, 17 have received local support for these schemes to be progressed.
· Team Abergavenny would like to work more closely with the County Council on schemes that are important to the local area.
· There was a need to decide priorities for the year. However, the Team was open to discuss ideas from community councils and other groups, for the future.
· Community council involvement within the Bryn y Cwm area has been encouraged but take up has been limited. More volunteers would be beneficial.
· The Town Team identified schemes that were not only beneficial to the town but also beneficial to the Bryn y Cwm area, such as improvements to Abergavenny Rail Station.
· Jenny Barnes, representing CAIR, raised some issues relating to the five year plan and how this might affect CAIR. The Chair, with representatives of the Area Committee, and representatives of the Town Team could meet with Jenny Barnes to discuss this matter further.
· It was considered that discussions were being duplicated via Cluster meetings, the North Monmouthshire Steering Group and Town Council meetings. A report regarding the future of Area Working was being presented to Full Council in March 2017 and it was hoped that this report might alleviate this matter.
We resolved:
(i) to receive the report and noted its content; (ii) that the Chair and the County Council officer leading on the Whole Place Plan meet with representatives of the Town Team with a view to discussing the Area Committee’s support for the Town Team and the Team’s involvement in the development of the Whole Place Plan.
(iii) that the Chair, with representatives of the Area Committee, and representatives of the Town Team meet with Jenny Barnes to discuss how the five year plan might affect CAIR.
Area Capital Grants Minutes: The Head of Community Led Delivery informed the Area Committee that there was £8000 funding available to spend from the Bryn y Cwm Area Capital Grant.
The following requests for funding had been received:
Friends of Castle Meadows – Request for funding in the sum of £913
To help establish new habitats that have been created by the dredging of the reens and ponds. The banks are bare soil and the planting will help stabilise them.
LlanddewiSkirrid Village Hall - Request for funding in the sum of £950
Provision of a portable all weather skittle alley.
Friends of Llanfoist Chapel - Request for funding in the sum of £1000
Interior renovation of Llanfoist Chapel as a multi faith chapel.
Abergavenny Community Trust - Request for funding in the sum of £3290
Acquisition of a fridge, freezer and a range oven.
ClydachJuniors - Request for funding in the sum of £800
The purchase of two lawn mowers to maintain the recreational area.
Abergavenny Festival of Cycling - Request for funding in the sum of £1500
The provision of two removable bollards at St. John Square.
The total request for funding equated to £8453, exceeding the available funding by £453. It was therefore proposed that all of the applications be approved to receive funding and that the £8000 available be distributed on a pro rata basis to all of the applicants.
Upon being put to the vote the proposition was carried unanimously.
We resolved that all of the applications be approved to receive funding and that the £8000 available be distributed on a pro rata basis to all of the applicants.
Agri Urban Project Minutes: County Councillor J. Prosser provided the Area Committee with an update regarding the Agri Urban Project. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Abergavenny joined the Agri Urban Project in June 2016.
· 10 other countries are taking part in the Agri Urban Project.
· Abergavenny is the only town within the United Kingdom taking part due to its internationally noted Food Festival.
· Stakeholders have been identified and a steady attendance in the region of 15 representatives regularly attend meetings. The representatives are all volunteers.
· The potential is there to develop Abergavenny as a food hub.
· There is potential to liaise with schools, hospitals and local farmers with a view to providing schools and hospitals with local produce.
· The aim of the Agri Urban Project is to present a local Action Plan by June 2018.
· To date, the Team has visited Italy, Spain, Belgium and Greece with a view to identifying potential ideas to bring back to Abergavenny. The recent visit to Belgium will hopefully lead to the development of a trans-national event in addition to developments arising via the Agri Urban Project.
· Delegates from the 10 countries will be visiting Abergavenny in September 2017 to attend the Abergavenny Food Festival. The Team is working with Food Festival organisers with a view to establishing a Agri Urban Project food corner.
· The Team is aiming to arrange visits to local farms.
· The Team is establishing an IT package with a view to becoming active via social media.
· The notice board in the Market Hall, Abergavenny is being used to inform the public of Agri Urban Project activities.
· A catering facility at King Henry VIII School is one of a number of proposals being considered by the Agri Urban Project Team.
We thanked County Councillor Prosser for an interesting and informative presentation. |
Future Work Programme PDF 13 KB Minutes: We resolved to receive and note the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee Work Programme. |
Next Meeting Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 2.00pm. Minutes: The next Bryn y Cwm Area Committee will be held on Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 2.00pm. The venue for the meeting is to be determined. |