Agenda and minutes

North Monmouthshire Area Committee - Wednesday, 13th July, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Llanfair Killgeddin Village Hall Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 9BD

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair


We elected County Councillor D. L. Edwards as Chair.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


We appointed County Councillor M. Hickman as Vice-Chair.


Declarations of Interest


County Councillor R.G. Harris declared a personal and prejudicial interest, pursuant to the Members’ code of conduct, in respect of agenda item 11 Area Capital Grants  – bid by Abergavenny Community Enterprise (ACE), as he is a board member of (ACE).  He therefore left the meeting taking no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


Community Coordination and Small Local Enterprises pdf icon PDF 1 MB


We received a detailed evaluation report of Community Coordination and Small Local Enterprises within Monmouthshire.  The report had been compiled over a period of two years.  It was noted that the findings from the report are used to develop a model of place-based support which reflects the requirements of the Social Services and Well-being Act and is underpinned by the sustainable development principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act: long-term, integrated, collaborative, preventative and one that involves people in co-creating their own solutions.


Having received the report, the following points were noted:


·         County Councillor Prosser informed the Committee that he is the Chair of the Agri Urban project which is a two year project established to improve sustainability for the region.  He invited the Changing Practice, Changing Lives Lead Officer and colleagues to the next meeting which is being held on 27th July 2016 at 5.30pm.


·         The Changing Practice, Changing Lives Lead Officer would contact the Rural Development Team with a view to establishing a working relationship.


·         The team will continue to collect data as effectively as possible.


·         The team has been working closely with the voluntary sector.


We resolved:


(i)            to receive the report and noted its content;


(ii)          that the Changing Practice, Changing Lives Lead Officer provides the Area Committee with an update regarding Community Coordination and small local enterprises in a year’s time.


Public Open Forum


The Chairman invited members of the public present to put questions to the Area Committee, or to raise issues of concern:


Consultation with the Community


Jenny Barnes, representing CAIR, expressed concern that the Authority needed to improve the way in which it consulted with the general public and in particular, consulting with groups containing disabled people.


Concern was also expressed that the Abergavenny Community Hub will not be accessible to disabled people. Officers have been contacted but no response has yet been received regarding this matter.


It was considered that the new Community Hub has to be DDA compliant.  Jenny Barnes was informed that she could contact the Planning Department to see the drawings of the proposed new lift at the Community Hub with a view assessing whether it is DDA compliant.



Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 155 KB


The minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meeting dated 20th April 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment:


County Councillor M. Hickman was in attendance and chaired the meeting.


County Councillor R.G. Harris had submitted his apologies for absence at the meeting.


Update report by Team Abergavenny regarding progress to date pdf icon PDF 152 KB


We received an update report from Team Abergavernny.  At the meeting an additional note was handed out to the Committee by Team Abergavenny outlining an issue, as follows:


Team Abergavenny had submitted business cases to spend the £30,000 Seed Money which had been allocated to Team Abergavenny.  Team Abergavenny had accepted that it had not followed the exact rules procedure that the Council employees’ are bound by, or had met the criteria set out for the use of the money.  The £30,000 had been granted which came with restrictions and procedures that made it difficult to find useful ways of using the fund.


The sequence of events had followed:


·         Team Abergavenny was informed that Cabinet had agreed the fund in January 2016.


·         Team Abergavenny was not sent the minutes of the meeting to confirm the decision but was referred to them.


·         On 26th April 2016, Team Abergavenny was informed that the money had to be committed by July 2016.  The Team set about identifying areas where the money could be spent, in partnership with others where possible.  County Council officer support had been promised to help write the base outline of some requests.  However, this had not been received.


·         Business plans to the value of £30,000 were submitted by the end of June 2016 but have been rejected because they did not meet Cabinet criteria.


Team Abergavenny questioned whether the onus was on volunteers to find out all the procedure details or whether it was the duty of County Council Officers to ensure that Team Abergavenny was sufficiently equipped and informed. In short, it was considered that there was a need to improve the working relationship between the County Council and Team Abergavenny.


Having received the report and additional note, the Area Committee agreed that a good working relationship between the County Council and Team Abergavenny was essential and needed to be maintained.


It was noted that the Head of Democracy, Engagement and Improvement will be presenting a report to Council regarding Governance of the Authority in due course.


We resolved:


(i)            to receive the report and additional note;


(ii)          that the Head of Democracy, Engagement and Improvement be informed of the issues raised by Team Abergavenny and the concerns expressed by the Area Committee regarding this matter.



Progress report regarding the Eisteddfod


We received a verbal update regarding the progress in respect of the Eisteddfod.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         Monmouthshire County Council will have its own area located within the Eisteddfod containing the Love Monmouthshire Pavilion, Give it a Go Zone and the Vale of Usk Country Kitchen.


·         Area such as Abergavenny Castle and Linda Vista Gardens will be notified to visitors as being a short walk away.


·         An extensive programme will be available from the Maes.


·         Other areas in Monmouthshire will be promoted.


·         ‘My Day, My Life’ will be onsite providing activity classes for visitors.


·         There will be theatre workshops.


·         Local Chefs and suppliers will be available in the Country Kitchen.


·         The WRU, Tennis Wales, a climbing wall, outdoor pursuits and the Scouts will be available in the ‘Give it a Go Zone’.


·         On each of the days, there will be a pop up busking stage (10.00am – 2.00pm).  A rehearsal stage will also be available for performers.


·         Poetry readings.


·         Opportunities for Elected Members to get involve in various sessions.


·         The Communications Team is commissioning a sign welcoming visitors into Castle Meadows.


·         The event will be bilingual.


Having received the verbal update, the following points were noted:


·         The Mayor of Abergavenny needs to be notified of his role in proceedings.


·         Half an hour free WiFi will be provided.


·         Visitors will be encouraged to submit their email address in order for them to complete a survey of their visit.


·         Highways officers will arrange for the weeds to be removed from Llanfoist Bridge.


·         Disabled access will be addressed and mobility scooters will be available within the Maes.  However, vehicles will need to be brought in to the site to obtain a scooter.


·         A translation device will be available to allow non-Welsh speakers.


·         As part of the legacy of the Eisteddfod, it is intended that the Eisteddfod Committee will raise funds to erect commemorative stones in Swan Meadows and Castle Meadows.


·         The Cabinet Member will liaise with the Welsh Government with regard to the poor condition of the A4042.


·         All of Abergavenny’s public conveniences will be open for the Eisteddfod.


·         The temporary traffic lights by the Angel Public House will be gone before the Eisteddfod commences.


We resolved to receive the verbal update and noted its content.


Development of Hub in Abergavenny


We resolved to defer consideration of this item to the next meeting of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meeting as the officer scheduled to present the update had been unable to attend.


Area Capital Grants pdf icon PDF 195 KB


The Communications Manager outlined the procedure for issuing capital funding to organisations that have submitted applications to the Area Committee for funding.  £5000 capital funding was currently available from the 2015/16 budget. 


The following applications for funding were received and considered by the Area Committee:


Abergavenny Community Enterprise Partnership


Applied for:  £350


Reason:  To purchase a computer, cartridges and stationery.


Having discussed the application, we resolved to fund the purchase of the Printer. The Committee didn’t agree a sum but left the decision open to ascertain the cost of the printer.



Gilwern AFC


Applied for:  £500


Reason:  Purchase of medical kit, stretcher, training equipment.


We resolved that financial details would be required before considering the application.



Gwent Best Kept Village


Applied for: £250


Reason:  Annual competition – grant requested to cover the judges’ expenses and trophies.


Having considered the application, we resolved not to support the application as it was not specific to the Bryn y Cwm Area. 



Clydach Juniors Athletic Football Club


Applied for:  £800


Reason:  To pay for legal advice. Planning application and associated reports to create a green space for the community.


We resolved that financial details would be required before considering the application.


Goytre Community Garden


Applied for:  £530


Reason:  To create a sensory garden in the grounds of Capel Ed Presbyterian Church.


Having considered the application, we resolved to support the application in the sum of £530. 



Llanelly Hill Welfare Memorial Hall


Applied for:  £300


Reason:  To cover printing costs for the village newsletter, tickets and advertising.


Having considered the application we resolved not to support the application as it was not for capital funding.






Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 10 KB


We considered the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee future work programme for 2016/17.  In doing so, we resolved that the following items be added:


·         County Councillor J. Prosser to provide the Area Committee, at future meetings, with a verbal update in respect of the Agri Urban Programme.


·         To receive an update at the next meeting regarding the development of a Hub in Abergavenny.


·         Invite the Police and Crime Commissioner to a future Area Committee meeting to discuss speeding vehicles in the Bryn y Cwm Area.




Next meeting

Wednesday 12th October 2016 at 2.00pm.


We resolved that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 12th October 2016 at 2.00pm and that it be held at Llanddewi Skirrid Village Hall (subject to availability).