Agenda and minutes

North Monmouthshire Area Committee - Wednesday, 10th February, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Abergavenny

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest.


There were no declarations of interest made by Members.


Public Open Forum.


The Chairman invited members of the public present to put questions to the Area Committee, or to raise issues of concern:


Temporary Traffic Lights – Trunk Road


In response to this issue raised by a Member of the Public, it was noted that the works at this location were scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2016.


Tudor Street


A resident of Abergavenny expressed concern that a group of people had moved into the Centre at Tudor Street in July 2013 and had been scheduled to remain there for no longer than 6 - 9  months.  However they were still located there today.  He also mentioned that improvement works to the building had been scheduled but had yet to be undertaken.


We resolved that the Head of Adult Services would be contacted with a request that that she investigate this matter and write to the resident accordingly.




Minutes of the previous meeting. pdf icon PDF 188 KB


The Minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee dated 8th July 2015 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         In response to a Member’s question regarding the reason for cancelling the previous Area Committee, it was noted that the meeting had been cancelled due to sickness and staff shortages in the Democratic Services Section.


·         In response to questions raised by Mr Haswell regarding the Abergavenny Community Hub, the Head of Community Led Delivery stated that no formal decisions had yet been made by Cabinet or Council in respect of this matter.  However, a review of the Town Hall Building and the Richards Building had been undertaken.  A consultation exercise would be held in due course.  Meetings were being held in March 2016 and the consultation exercise was anticipated to be completed in three months.


Members asked for clarification on whether all of the £3.4M would be spent in Abergavenny, now that the new library was not being proceeded with.  There was some doubt over how much of the money would be spent in Abergavenny. 


We resolved that this matter be investigated.


Presentation on scheme design for Abergavenny Town Centre Refurbishment.


We received a presentation by the Head of Operations regarding the Abergavenny Town Centre Refurbishment.  In doing so, it was noted that Officers were working with Team Abergavenny regarding the scheme’s design.

The materials being used were now more in keeping with the town.


Having received the presentation, the following points were noted:


·         Cabinet would discuss the use of A Boards.  All legitimate A Boards would be subject to a licensing scheme.  There will be a clear five metre walkway.


·         Drainage slots are more efficient than the existing drainage.


·         Abergavenny Development Forum (ADF) has been helping to fine tune the project and had submitted an alternative scheme at St. John’s Square and Team Abergavenny had supported this.  However, the information presented to Committee today had shown very little change to the project, i.e., a reduction in the width of the road and the removal of vehicles.  However, officers had indicated that this could not be achieved.


When the project was presented to Committee the budget had increased form £500,000 to £1,000,000.  It was believed that St. John’s square would carry pennant stone.  However, the plans had indicated that only 30% would carry pennant stone, which ADF considered did not fit with what had been agreed following the increase in the improved budget.


The Frogmore Street element of the scheme has disappeared form the scheme.  However, it was noted that this was not scheduled for phase 1.


In response, officers stated that ADF’s version of events did not reflect what was happening, as materials are far superior to what was originally budgeted for.  The material selected is expensive and not included in the original budget.  A first class scheme was being created for a budget of £1,000,000.


We resolved to receive the presentation and noted its content.


Provision of Public conveniences in Abergavenny (verbal update).


We received a verbal update by the Head of Operations regarding the provision of public conveniences in Abergavenny.  The Area Committee’s views were sought which would be incorporated into a report that would be submitted to a meeting of the Strong Communities Select Committee. In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         Discussions had been held with Abergavenny Town Council regarding the Town Council providing financial support for the provision of public conveniences in Abergavenny.


·         Without this support Monmouthshire County Council will only be able to provide one public convenience within the town.  Currently, there are four public conveniences located within the town.  Town Council support was therefore necessary.


Having received the update the following points were noted:


·         The general consensus from the public is for the four public conveniences to remain open.


·         There was a need to identify the minimal cost required to keep all four of the public conveniences open.  However, other means of financing also needed to be investigated.


·         Other authorities could be approached to ascertain how they are financing their public conveniences.


·         Local shops within the town could be asked to provide public access to their toilets for an agreed sum of money.


·         Abergavenny Town is a tourist attraction and it was important that adequate toilet provision was retained within the town for both abled bodied and disabled people.


·         Charging the public to use the public conveniences could be considered.


·         It was noted that Abergavenny Town Council were meeting this evening and the matter could be raised here.


We resolved to receive the report and noted its content.


To receive verbal update report on progress to date by Team Abergavenny.


We received a verbal update on Team Abergavenny.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         The Team has established its website –


·         A Limited Company has been established to handle any finances that the Team receives.


·         Team Abergavenny will be formally launched at St. Michael’s Centre from 3.00pm to 9.00pm on 15th February 2016.


·         Team Abergavenny aims to hold an open public meeting in the autumn 2016 to review progress and to open places on the Team for election.


·         The Team has actively encouraged participation of a number of interested groups in the redevelopment of the central streets in Abergavenny.  The scheme would commence imminently.  This project has been fully embraced by Monmouthshire County Council.


·         Team Abergavenny are working with Green Spaces groups of Friends in Abergavenny to restore and improve facilities in these areas.


·         The Team is working with the County Council’s Markets Team to promote and increase the range of events that can be held in Abergavenny.


·         Investigations were being undertaken regarding some significant projects for developing employment in the future.


·         The e commerce programme funded by Welsh Government is progressing.


Having received the update, the following points were noted:


·         There were two Abergavenny Town Councillors serving on the Town Team.


·         The Chair of Team Abergavenny came to the Town Council’s previous Projects meeting.


We resolved to receive the update report and noted its content.


Verbal update on progress regarding the Eisteddfod.


We received a verbal update regarding progress in respect of the Eisteddfod.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         Planning consent has been received.


·         Monthly meetings were being held.


·         The park and ride facility was being discussed. The Park and Ride tendering process will shortly be undertaken.


·         A minibus will be provided from Abergavenny Train Station to the Eisteddfod site.  Disabled access at the station was being addressed.


·         Costain will cease work on the Heads of the Valleys Road during the Eisteddfod.


·         Monmouthshire County Council will have a marquee at the Eisteddfod site whereby Monmouthshire will be promoted as a tourist destination.


·         Working with communities regarding fund raising activities.  Three choirs were being hosted.


·         A public meeting has been held ascertain the numbers of volunteers / helpers.  A training process was underway.


·         The site would be set up on Castle Meadows at the beginning of June 2016.


Having received the update, the following points were noted:


·         Abergavenny Town Council has contributed £30,000 and Caldicot Town Council has contributed £10,000 to the Eisteddfod.  Two rural community Councils have also made a financial contribution.


·         The Eisteddfod site will be located on two sites, namey, Maes A and Maes B.  Schuttle buses will be provided so that members of the public will not have to walk over Llanfoist Bridge.


We resolved to receive the update and noted its content.


Verbal update on Conservation Area Appraisal for Abergavenny.


We received a verbal update by the Heritage Manager on the conservation area appraisal for Abergavenny.  Members were informed that:


·         Abergavenny has been chosen as one of the 18 conservation areas.


·         A report was submitted to Planning Committee in January 2016.


·         This will be one of the largest conservation areas in Monmouthshire.


·         The conservation area will be split into eight character areas.


·         Boundary revisions have been looked at.


·         A further report will be presented to Planning Committee on 1st March 2016.


We resolved to receive the update and noted its content.


Rural Development Plan Funding on the Local Development Strategy (report to follow). pdf icon PDF 284 KB


We received a report by the Rural Programmes Manager in which Members received an update regarding the Rural Development Programme.


Members were informed that the programme is revenue only and has a Europe and Welsh Government figure of £2.79M available for the period 2015 to 2020. A match funding element of 20% is required for the actual projects that are developed.


The wards within the Bryn y Cwm Area that can attract maximum funding are the rural wards of Crucorney, Llanover, Goetre Fawr, Llanfoist Fawr, Llanelly Hill, Llanwenarth Ultra and Mardy.


Having received the report, the following points were noted:


·         The Rural Development Programme (RDP) fund was a maximum of £160,000.


·         An external funding officer has been employed.


·         The RDP team were looking for the Area Committee to support the team in identifying individual projects.


·         The website was available to view –


·         The Town Council and Community Councils within the Bryn y Cwm area have been included.


We resolved:


(i)            to receive the report and noted its content;


(ii)          that Members submit their requests to the Rural Programmes Manager.


To discuss £5000 Capital Funding.


We received a verbal update by the Head of Community Led Delivery regarding the £5000 Capital Funding.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         The £5000 will be slipped on to the 2016/17 financial year.


·         The closing date for receipt of applications is 20th June 2015.


·         Applications will be considered at the July 2016 Bryn y Cwm Area Committee.


·         Copies of applicants’ financial information will be required before an application may be considered.


·         The Head of Community Led Delivery would shortly be emailing the application form to Members.


·         The Area Committee will determine applications for funding.


We resolved to receive the update and noted its content.


Future Work Programme for the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee. pdf icon PDF 14 KB


We received the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee work programme.  In doing so, the following points were noted:


·         A report on the future of Area Committees will be presented to Full Council in April 2016.


·         Jenny Barnes, representing CAIR, expressed concern that she had been unable to raise an issue at the Bryn y Cwm Communty Forum.  She was advised to contact the Chair of the Community Forum.  Alternatively, she could raise her issue with the Chair of the Adults Select Committee.


·         The Head of Community Led Delivery would provide Members with contact details of the organisations that officers were liaising with through the Whole Place Plan.


The Work Programme was amended, as follows:


20th April 2016


·         Progress report on the Eisteddfod.


·         Update report by Team Abergavenny.


·         Progress report by Costain regarding the Heads of the Valleys Dualling Gilwern to Brynmawr.


·         Development of a Hub in Abergavenny.


·         Rural Development Funding update.


·         Update on events in the Bryn y Cwm area.


13th July 2016


·         Community Coordination on the Abergavanny area.


·         Area Capital Funding.


We resolved to receive the report and noted its content.


To note that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th April 2016 at 2.00pm at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall (subject to Availability).


We resolved that the next Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meeting would be held on Wednesday 20th April 2016 at 2.00pm at Llanfair Kilgeddin Village Hall (subject to availability).



The meeting ended at 4.25pm.